Exif Tool Gui

ExifToolGUI is a GUI front-end for exiftool to view metadata information with some editing features. There are many tools for viewing/editing metadata inside image files. In my opinion, ExifTool by Phil Harvey, is the best I've found so far.

  1. PyExifToolGUI Alternatives. PyExifToolGUI is described as 'pyExifToolGui is a graphical frontend for the open source command line tool exiftool by Phil Harvey' and is an app in the Photos & Graphics category.
  2. ExifToolGUI, Free Download by Bogdan Hrastnik. A free organizing tool for your JPEG pictures using their Exif and IPTC data.

Read, Write and Edit Meta Information!

Installing Tag Names Links History Forum FAQ
User Comments
Supported File Types
System Requirements
Running ExifTool
Example Output
Tag Names Explained
Tag Groups
Writing Information
Writer Limitations
Known Problems
Date/Time Shift
Renaming Files
ExifTool Library
Additional Resources
New Discoveries
Contact Me
Exiftool guide
Download Version 6.99 (1.4 MB) -Oct. 6, 2007

ExifTool is a platform-independent Perllibrary plus a command-line application forreading, writing and editing meta information in image, audio and videofiles. ExifTool supports many different types of metadata includingEXIF,GPS,IPTC,XMP,JFIF,GeoTIFF,ICC Profile,Photoshop IRB,FlashPix,AFCP andID3,as well as the maker notes of many digital cameras byCanon,Casio,FujiFilm,HP,JVC/Victor,Kodak,Leaf,Minolta/Konica-Minolta,Nikon,Olympus/Epson,Panasonic/Leica,Pentax/Asahi,Ricoh,Sanyo,Sigma/Foveon andSony.

ExifTool is also available as a stand-alone Windows executable and aMacintosh OS X package. Note that these versions contain the executableonly, and do not include the HTML documentation or other files of the fulldistribution:

Windows Executable: exiftool-6.99.zip (1.8 MB)

The stand-alone Windows executable does not require Perl. Justdownload and un-zip the archive then double-click on'exiftool(‑k).exe' to read the application documentation,drag-and-drop files and folders to view meta information, or rename to'exiftool.exe' for command-line use.

Mac OS X Package: ExifTool-6.98.dmg (0.8 MB)

The OS X package installs the ExifTool command-line application andlibraries in /usr/bin. After installing, type 'exiftool' in aTerminal window to run exiftool and read the application documentation.

Read the installation instructions for helpinstalling ExifTool on Windows, Mac OS X and Unix systems.

  • Powerful, fast, flexible and customizable
  • Reads EXIF, GPS, IPTC, XMP, JFIF, MakerNotes, GeoTIFF, ICC Profile, Photoshop IRB, FlashPix, AFCP and ID3 and more..
  • Writes EXIF, GPS, IPTC, XMP, JFIF, MakerNotes, ICC Profile, Photoshop IRB, AFCP and more..
  • Reads and writes maker notes of many digital cameras
  • Shifts date/time values to fix timestamps in images
  • Renames files and organizes in directories (by date or by any other meta information)
  • Extracts thumbnail images, preview images, and large JPEG images from RAW files
  • Copies meta information between files (even different-format files)
  • Deletes meta information individually, in groups, or altogether
  • Sets the file modification date from EXIF information
  • Supports alternate languages in XMP and MIE information
  • Processes entire directory trees
  • Creates text output file for each image file
  • Automatically backs up original image when writing
  • Organizes output into groups
  • Conditionally processes files based on value of any meta information
  • Ability to add user-defined tags
  • Recognizes thousands of different tags
  • Tested with images from thousands of different camera models
  • Advanced verbose and HTML-based hex dump outputs
'In my experience, nothing but nothing is as complete, powerful, and flexible asPhil Harvey's exiftool .. I've never seen anything that's in the same ballpark for power.'- dpreview forum
'While there are a lot of image tools available, nothing comes close for accessing/updatingthe metadata like ExifTool' - merg's blog
'exiftool is an amazingly powerful Perl module and script'- Brett's Place on the Web
'Fast, reliable and amazingly comprehensive ..'- CPAN ratings
'.. the one piece of free software that gets the mostdetailed exif data of /any/ tool I've found.'- gnome mail archives
'ExifTool makes every other EXIF reader (and writer) than I'veseen, including the camera manufacturers' readers, look lame.'- photo.net Nikon forum
'.. it is the mother of all EXIF utilities; the BFG of meta-dataextraction; the Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster of EXIF tools .. This thing willsuck the last bit of metadata out of whatever image file you throw at it!' -Open Photography Forums
Exiftool gui mac

ExifTool can Read, Write and/or Create files in the following formats:

File TypeSupportDescription
ACRRAmerican College of Radiology ACR-NEMA (DICOM-like)
AIRAdobe Illustrator (EPS or PDF)
AIFF, AIF, AIFCRAudio Interchange File Format
APERMonkey's Audio format
ARWRSony Alpha RAW format (TIFF-based)
ASFRMicrosoft Advanced Systems Format
AVIRAudio Video Interleaved (RIFF-based)
BMP, DIBRWindows BitMaP / Device Independent Bitmap
BTF, TIFF, TIFRBigTIFF (64-bit Tagged Image File Format)
CR2R/WCanon RAW 2 format (TIFF-based)
CRW, CIFFR/WCanon RAW Camera Image File Format (CRW specification)
CS1R/WSinar CaptureShop 1-Shot RAW (PSD-based)
DCM, DC3, DIC, DICMRDICOM - Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine
DCRRKodak Digital Camera RAW (TIFF-based)
DNGR/WDigital Negative (TIFF-based)
DOCRMicrosoft Word Document (FPX-like)
EPS, EPSF, PSR/W[Encapsulated] PostScript Format
ERFR/WEpson RAW Format (TIFF-based)
FLACRFree Lossless Audio Codec
FLVRFlash Video
FPXRFlashPix image
GIFR/WCompuserve Graphics Interchange Format
HTML, HTM, XHTMLR[Extensible] HyperText Markup Language
ICC, ICMR/W/CInternational Color Consortium color profile
JP2, JPXR/WJPEG 2000 image
JPEG, JPGR/WJoint Photographic Experts Group image (see table below)
K25RKodak DC25 RAW (TIFF-based)
M4ARMPEG 4 Audio
MEFR/WMamiya (RAW) Electronic Format (TIFF-based)
MIER/W/CMeta Information Encapsulation format (MIE specification)
MIFF, MIFRMagick Image File Format
MOSR/WCreo Leaf Mosaic (TIFF-based)
MOV, QTRApple QuickTime Movie
MP3RMPEG Layer 3 audio (uses ID3 information)
MP4RMotion Picture Experts Group version 4
MPCRMusepack Audio
MPEG, MPGRMotion Picture Experts Group version 1 or 2
MRWR/WMinolta RAW format
NEFR/WNikon (RAW) Electronic Format (TIFF-based)
OGGROgg Vorbis and Ogg FLAC audio
ORFR/WOlympus RAW Format (TIFF-based)
PDFRAdobe Portable Document Format
PEFR/WPentax (RAW) Electronic Format (TIFF-based)
PICT, PCTRApple Picture file
PNG, JNG, MNGR/WPortable/JPEG/Multiple-image Network Graphics
PPM, PBM, PGMR/WPortable Pixel/Bit/Gray Map
PPTRMicrosoft PowerPoint presentation (FPX-like)
PSDR/WPhotoShop Drawing
QTIF, QTI, QIFRQuickTime Image File
RARReal Audio
RAFRFujiFilm RAW Format (TIFF-based)
RAM, RPMRReal Audio/Plug-in Metafile
RAWRKyocera Contax N Digital RAW format
RAWR/WPanasonic RAW format (TIFF-based)
RIFF, RIFRResource Interchange File Format
RM, RV, RMVBRReal Media/Video [Variable Bitrate]
SR2RSony RAW 2 format (TIFF-based)
SRFRSony RAW Format (TIFF-based)
SWFRShockwave Flash
THMR/WCanon Thumbnail (JPEG)
TIFF, TIFR/WTagged Image File Format
VRDR/WCanon DPP Virtual? Recipe Data
WAVRWindows digital audio WAVeform (RIFF-based)
WDPR/WWindows Media Photo (TIFF-based)
WMA, WMVRWindows Media Audio/Video (ASF-based)
X3FRSigma/Foveon RAW format
XLSRMicrosoft Excel worksheet (FPX-like)
XMPR/W/CExtensible Metadata Platform sidecar file

Supported JPEG Meta Information

ExifTool can Read, Write and/or Create the following typesof meta information in JPEG images:

JPEG Meta InformationSupportDescription
APP0 - JFIFR/W/CJPEG File Interchange Format
APP0 - CIFFR/WCamera Image File Format (used by some Canon models)
APP1 - EXIFR/W/CExchangeable Image File Format (including maker notes)
APP1 - XMPR/W/CExtensible Metadata Platform
APP2 - ICCR/W/CInternational Color Consortium (multi-segment)
APP2 - FPXRRFlashPix Ready (multi-segment)
APP3 - Kodak MetaREXIF-like Kodak information
APP5 - Ricoh RMETARRicoh custom fields
APP6 - EPPIMRToshiba PrintIM information
APP8 - SPIFFRStill Picture Interchange File Format
APP10 - CommentRPhotoStudio Unicode Comment
APP12 - Picture InfoRASCII-based Picture Information
APP12 - DuckyR/W/CPhotoshop 'Save for Web' information
APP13 - Photoshop IRBR/W/CImage Resource Block (multi-segment, includes IPTC)
APP13 - Adobe CMRAdobe Color Management information
APP14 - AdobeRAdobe DCT filter information
APP15 - GraphicConverterRGraphicConverter quality information
COMR/W/CJPEG Comment (multi-segment)
SOFRJPEG Start Of Frame
AFCP trailerR/WAXS File Concatenation Protocol (includes IPTC)
CanonVRD trailerR/WCanon DPP Virtual? Recipe Data
FotoStation trailerR/WFotoWare FotoStation edit information (includes IPTC)
PhotoMechanic trailerR/WCamera Bits Photo Mechanic edit information
MIE trailerR/WMeta Information Encapsulation
PreviewImage trailerR/W/C(preview image written after JPEG EOI)

Requires Perl 5.004 or later. Beijing express email address extractor torrent. No other libraries or software required.

Windows users: You can get a good, free Perl interpreter fromactiveperl.com.Alternatively, a stand-alone exiftool Windowsexecutable is now available (this version does not require Perl).

Everyone else (Mac, Unix, etc): Don't worry, you should already havePerl installed.

The exiftool application provides aconvenient command-line interface for theImage::ExifTool Perl package (both included in thefull distribution). Once you have downloaded and extracted the distribution, youcan immediately run exiftool (without building or installing) by typing'DIR/exiftool FILE' (or 'perl DIR/exiftool FILE' inWindows), where DIR is the exiftool directory and FILE is the name of an imagefile, including directory name. Read the installationinstructions or the README file included in the full distribution for helpinstalling ExifTool.

Many command-line options are available to allow you to access a wide rangeof features. Run exiftool with no arguments for acomplete list of available options withexamples.

Exif Tool Gui

Running in Windows

i) From the command line:

The Perl application ('exiftool') is run by typing 'perlexiftool'. Alternately, you may be able to rename it to'exiftool.pl' and type 'exiftool.pl', but thisrequires that the proper Windows associations have been made for the the'.pl' extension.

The stand-alone version ('exiftool(‑k).exe') should berenamed to 'exiftool.exe' to allow it to be run by typing'exiftool' at the command line.

If the exiftool executable ('exiftool.pl' or'exiftool.exe') is not in the current directory or your systemPATH, then its directory must be specified on the command line (ie. by typing'c:path_to_exiftoolexiftool.pl' or'c:path_to_exiftoolexiftool').

Note that when typing commands in the 'cmd.exe' shell, you should use doublequotes instead of single quotes as shown in some examples.

ii) Stand-alone version in the Windows GUI:

Double-click on 'exiftool(‑k).exe' to read the applicationdocumentation, or drag-and-drop files and folders to run exiftool on theselected files.

Simple options may be added inside brackets in the name of the stand-aloneexecutable. (But note that the characters /?*:|'<> may notbe used because they are invalid in Windows file names.) In this way, thebehaviour of the drag-and-drop application can be customized. For example:

Executable NameOperation
Print meta information in window and pause before terminating.
Generate output '.txt' files with detailed meta information.
Generate sidecar '.xmp' files.
Add copyright information (and don't pause before terminating).

Hint: Options may also be added to the 'Target' property of a Windowsshortcut for the executable. Using a shortcut has 3 advantages over addingoptions in the file name: 1) multiple shortcuts may be created for performingdifferent operations without requiring multiple copies of the executable, 2)characters which are invalid in file names may be used, and 3) the shortcuts canbe given more meaningful (and more convenient) file names.

As well, it may be useful to increase the window and buffer sizes to displaymore information: Right-click on the window's title bar then select'Properties' from the menu and change the window layout settings.

> exiftool -h -canon pics/103_0315.JPG

File Name103_0315.JPG
Camera Model NameCanon EOS DIGITAL REBEL
Date/Time Original2003:09:30 13:37:51
Shooting ModeSports
Shutter Speed1/2000
Metering ModeEvaluative
Exposure Compensation0
Lens75.0 - 300.0mm
Focal Length300.0mm
Image Size3072x2048
White BalanceAuto
Focus ModeAI Servo AF
Color ToneNormal
File Size1606 kB
File Number103-0315
Drive ModeContinuous shooting
Owner NamePhil Harvey
Camera Body No.0560012345

Verbose and HtmlDump Output

The Verbose (‑v) and HtmlDump (‑htmlDump) options print additionalinformation that can be very useful for debugging or when decoding new tags.

A tag name is a 'handle' that is used to refer to a specific piece of metainformation. Tag names are entered on the command line with a leading'-', in the order you want them displayed. Case is notsignificant. The tag name may be prefixed by a group namefrom family 0 or 1 (separated by a colon) to identify a specific informationtype or location. A special tag name of 'All' may be used torepresent all tags, or all tags in a specified group. For example:

A complete list of ExifTool Tag Namesaccompanies this documentation. As well, current lists of available tag namesand writable tag names may be obtained using the exiftool ‑list and‑listw options. But perhaps the easiest way to determine a tag nameis to use the ‑s option to print the tag names instead ofdescriptions for all information in a file. It may also be helpful to use the‑G option to display the group names, and the ‑H or‑D option to print the numerical tag ID's for reference.


  1. Tag names sometimes differ from their descriptions. Use the‑s command-line option to see the actual tag names instead of thedescriptions when extracting information.
  2. When extracting information, tags will not appear in the output unless theyexist in the file, even if they are specified on the command line. The‑f option may be used to force all specified tags to be displayed.
  3. Information for a given tag name may occur in multiple locations within asingle file. By default these duplicate tags are suppressed, but the ‑aoption may be used to extract all tags.

Shortcut Tags

Shortcut tags represent one or more other tags, and are used like any othertag when reading, writing or copying information.

ExifTool defines a few shortcut tags in the Image::ExifTool::Shortcutsmodule, and allows users to define their own shortcuts in aconfiguration file called'.ExifTool_config' in their home directory or exiftool applicationdirectory. Here is a simple example that defines two shortcuts:

In this example, MyShortcut is a shortcut for the CreateDate, ExposureTimeand Aperture tags, and MyAlias is a shortcut for FocalLengthIn35mmFormat.

The current shortcuts may be listed with the ‑list option.

The ~/.ExifTool_config file may also be used to define new tags.For more information about the configuration file, see thesample configuration file included with the ExifTooldistribution.

Windows tip: You may have difficulty generating a filename beginningwith a '.' in the Windows GUI, but it can be done with the'rename' command at the cmd.exe prompt.

ExifTool classifies tags into groups in three different families.These groups are:

FamilyGroup Names
0 (Information Type)AFCP, AIFF, APE, APP12, APP13, APP14, APP15, APP5, APP6, APP8, ASF, BMP,CanonVRD, Composite, DICOM, DNG, Ducky, EXIF, ExifTool, FLAC, File, Flash,FlashPix, FotoStation, GeoTiff, HTML, ICC_Profile, ID3, IPTC, JFIF, JPEG,Jpeg2000, Leaf, MIE, MIFF, MNG, MPC, MPEG, MakerNotes, Meta, PDF, PICT, PNG,PhotoMechanic, Photoshop, PostScript, PrintIM, QuickTime, RIFF, Real,SigmaRaw, Vorbis, XMP
1 (Specific Location)AFCP, AIFF, APE, ASF, Adobe, AdobeCM, BMP, Canon, CanonCustom, CanonRaw,CanonVRD, Casio, Composite, DICOM, DNG, Ducky, EPPIM, ExifIFD, ExifTool,FLAC, File, Flash, FlashPix, FotoStation, FujiFilm, GPS, GeoTiff,GlobParamIFD, GraphConv, HP, HTML, HTML-dc, HTML-ncc, HTML-prod, HTML-vw96,HTTP-equiv, ICC-chrm, ICC-clrt, ICC-header, ICC-meas, ICC-view, ICC_Profile,ID3, ID3v1, ID3v2_2, ID3v2_3, ID3v2_4, IFD0, IFD1, IPTC, InteropIFD, JFIF,JPEG, JVC, Jpeg2000, Kodak, KodakBordersIFD, KodakEffectsIFD, KyoceraRaw,Leaf, LeafSubIFD, MAC, MIE-Audio, MIE-Camera, MIE-Doc, MIE-Extender,MIE-Flash, MIE-GPS, MIE-Geo, MIE-Image, MIE-Lens, MIE-Main, MIE-MakerNotes,MIE-Meta, MIE-Orient, MIE-Preview, MIE-Thumbnail, MIE-UTM, MIE-Unknown,MIE-Video, MIFF, MNG, MPC, MPEG, MakerNotes, MakerUnknown, MetaIFD, Minolta,MinoltaRaw, Nikon, NikonCapture, NikonPreview, NikonScan, Olympus, PDF,PICT, PNG, Panasonic, Pentax, PhotoMechanic, Photoshop, PictureInfo,PostScript, PrintIM, QuickTime, RIFF, RMETA, Real, Real-CONT, Real-MDPR,Real-PROP, Real-RA3, Real-RA4, Real-RA5, Real-RJMD, Ricoh, SPIFF, SR2, SRF#,Sanyo, Sigma, SigmaRaw, Sony, SubIFD, Track#, Vorbis, XMP, XMP-DICOM,XMP-PixelLive, XMP-aux, XMP-cc, XMP-crs, XMP-dc, XMP-dex, XMP-exif,XMP-iptcCore, XMP-lr, XMP-mediapro, XMP-microsoft, XMP-pdf, XMP-photomech,XMP-photoshop, XMP-tiff, XMP-xmp, XMP-xmpBJ, XMP-xmpDM, XMP-xmpMM,XMP-xmpPLUS, XMP-xmpRights, XMP-xmpTPg
2 (Category)Audio, Author, Camera, Document, ExifTool, Image, Location, Other, Printing,Time, Unknown, Video

The exiftool output can be organized based on these groups using the‑g or ‑G option.

When writing information, ExifTool preserves the original file by adding'_original' to the file name. Be sure to keep a copy of theoriginal, or thoroughly validate the new file before erasing the original.(Read here for some ramblings on the subject ofwriting meta information.)


Tag values are written rather than being extracted if the tag name ends witha '=' symbol. The '=' may be prefixed by'+', '-' or '<' to add a value,remove a value or set a value from file. The following table outlines thedifferent write syntaxes:

-TAG=Deletes all occurrences of TAG
-all=Deletes all meta information!
-GROUP:TAG=Deletes TAG only in specified group
-GROUP:all=Deletes all information in specified group
-[GROUP:]TAG=VALUESets value of TAG (only in GROUP if specified)
-[GROUP:]TAG+=VALUEAdds value to a tag list (only valid for List type tags)
-[GROUP:]TAG-=VALUEDeletes TAG only if it has the specified value
-[GROUP:]TAG<=FILESets tag value from contents of specified file

Note that quotes are required around VALUE if it contains spaces, and aroundthe whole argument if the '<=' syntax is used (to prevent shellredirection).

Group Priorities

ExifTool prioritizes the following types of meta information when writing:

1) EXIF, 2) IPTC, 3) XMP, 4) MakerNotes

Many tag names are valid for more than one of these groups. If a group name isnot specified when writing information, then the information is added only tothe highest priority group for which the tag name is valid (however, theinformation is updated in all groups where the tag already existed). Thepriority of the groups is given by the list above. Specifically, this means thatnew information is added preferentially to the EXIF group, or to the IPTC groupif no corresponding EXIF tag exists, or finally to the XMP group. TheMakernotes group is special, and new information generally can not be added here(see the note below).

Alternatively, information may be written to a specific group only, bypassingthese priorities, by providing a group name for the tag. The'Writing Meta Information' section above gave the syntaxrules for exiftool command-line arguments to do this. Any family 0 or 1 groupname may be used when writing information, although not all groups are writable.

Note: Information in the MakerNotes may be edited, but not added ordeleted. The reason for this is to avoid confusing manufacturer-specificsoftware which may be very inflexible about the information it expects in themaker notes. The exception is the JpgFromRaw image, which may be added ordeleted from Canon CRW files. This has been tested and doesn't cause problemswith the Canon software or Photoshop, however it does confuse Capture Onesomewhat if this image is missing, so beware.

The '-TagsFromFile' Option

A special ExifTool option allows copying tags from one file to another. Thecommand-line syntax for doing this is'‑TagsFromFile SRCFILE'. Any tags specified after thisoption on the command line are extracted from source file and written to thedestination file. If no tags are specified, then all writable tags are copied.This option is very simple, yet very powerful. Depending on the formats of thesource and destination files, some of tags read may not be valid in thedestination file, in which case they aren't written.

This option may also be used to transfer information between different tagswithin a single image or between different images. See the-TagsFromFileoption in the application documentation for more details.

Writer Limitations^

  • ExifTool will not rewrite a file if it detects a significant problem withthe file format.
  • ExifTool has been tested with a wide range of different images, but since itis not possible to test it with every known image type, there is the possibilitythat it will corrupt some files. Be sure to keep backups of your files.
  • Even though ExifTool does some validation of the information written, it isstill possible to write illegal values which may cause problems when reading theimages with other software. So take care to validate the information you arewriting.

Known Problems^

  • There is a bug in the Apple RAW file support (OS X 10.4.10) which preventsedited PEF images from being displayed properly. However, the images can stillbe displayed using the Pentax Silkypix software, and converted with dcraw. Please send a bug report to Apple if this problem affects you.
  • Some Macintosh applications may store information in the resource fork of afile. ExifTool does not process the resource fork, so this information is lostif the file is rewritten. (The resource fork is also typically dropped if thefile is simply transferred to a non-Macintosh system.)

Have you ever forgotten to set the date/time on your digital camera beforetaking a bunch of pictures? ExifTool has a time shift feature that makes iteasy to apply a batch fix to the timestamps of the images. For example, saythat your camera clock was reset to 2000:01:01 00:00:00 when you put in anew battery at 2005:11:03 10:48:00. Then all of the pictures you tooksubsequently have timestamps that are wrong by 5 years, 10 months, 2 days, 10hours and 48 minutes. To fix this, put all of the images in the same directory('DIR') and run exiftool:

The example above changes only the DateTimeOriginal tag, but any writable dateor time tag can be shifted, and multiple tags may be written with a singlecommand line. Commonly, in JPEG images, the DateTimeOriginal, CreateDate andModifyDate values must all be changed. For convenience, ashortcut tag called AllDates has been defined torepresent these three tags. So, for example, if you forgot to set your cameraclock back 1 hour at the end of daylight savings time in the fall, you can fixthe images with:

SeeImage::ExifTool::Shift.plfor details about the syntax of the time shift string.

By writing a new value to the FileName and/or Directory tags,files can be renamed and/or moved to different directories. This can be a verypowerful tool in combination with the ‑d (date format) option fororganizing images by date/time. For example, the following command renames allimages in directory 'DIR' according to the individual file's creation date inthe form 'yyyymmdd_HHMMSS.ext'.

Or a new directory can be specified by setting the value of the Directorytag. For example, the following command moves all images originally indirectory 'DIR' into a directory hierarchy organized by year/month/day:

Read here for more details about this powerfulfeature.

The processing speed of ExifTool can be improved when extracting informationby reducing the amount of work that it must do. Disabling the composite tags(‑e option) and the print conversions (‑noption) will speed things up somewhat if these features aren't required, but thebiggest performance benefits come from reducing the number of extracted tags.By specifying only the tags you need to extract, you can speed things upsignificantly.

There is also a ‑fast option which can significantly increase speedwhen extracting information from JPEG images which are piped across a slownetwork connection. However, with this option any information in a JPEG trailerwill not be extracted.

Exif Tool Gui

The 'exiftool' script is essentially just a command-line interface to theImage::ExifTool Perl library module which is part of the ExifTool distribution.The Image::ExifTool module can be used in any Perl script to provide easy accessto meta information. Here is an example a very simple script that usesImage::ExifTool to print out all recognized meta information in a file:

Note that some tag values may be returned as SCALAR references indicatingbinary data. The simple script above does not handle this case.

See the Image::ExifTool Documentation for more details.

  • ExifTool Forum (CPAN Forum)
  • Image::ExifTool at CPAN (CPAN Search)
  • ExifTool Bug Reports (CPAN Request Tracker)
  • ExifTool Test Reports (CPAN Testers)

Related Utilities

Below are some utilities which take advantage of the ExifTool engine:

Exiftoolgui Download

  • Downloada stand-alone Mac OS X droplet to extract preview images from RAW files (thanks to Brett Gross)
  • renrot: Perl utility to perform various processing tasks on images
  • Proxel EXIF Tool: Photoshop plugin based on ExifTool
  • rawimage: A kfile plugin and thumbnail image handler for RAW formats
  • Exif Stats Utility: Analyzes images to tabulate apertures, exposure times, etc
  • gpsPhoto: Geotag your images from a GPS (GPX) track log
  • Geotagging Automator Action: Mac OS X application to geotag images from GPX tracks
  • MacMetaMod: Mac OS X droplet for adding Keywords to images
  • PhotoGPSEditor and PhotoInfoEditor: Mac OS X geocoding utilities
  • Auto ISO Tool: Windows GUI front-end for ExifTool to patch Canon ISO information
  • ExifAuto: Windows GUI front-end for ExifTool to perform simple operations
  • ExifTool GUI for Windows: A nice Windows GUI for viewing meta information with some editing features
  • MetaDataMover: A GUI-based Mac OS X automator utility for moving/renaming images
  • CS1ToCR2: Mac OS X utility that uses Sony GPS-CS1 log files to add GPS information to CR2 images


The following sources were very useful in helping to decode various types ofinformation:

  • wwwis Perl utilites by Alex Knowles
  • http://homepage3.nifty.com/kamisaka/makernote/index.htm (in english)

Other Links

There is still much unknown information in the maker notes for many cameramodels. (To see this information, run exiftool with the ‑Uoption.) In this area, ExifTool is very much a collaborative effort, anddevelopment relies heavily on the input from camera owners to help decode newmeta information. If you manage to figure out what any of it means, send me ane-mail (phil at owl.phy.queensu.ca) and I'll add your new discoveries toExifTool. Many thanks to all who have helped so far..

Thanks to everyone who has sent in bug reports, comments, or suggestions, andspecial thanks to the following people for their valuable input and/or additionsto the code:

  • Malcolm Wotton for his help with the D30 Custom Functions
  • David Anson for his help sorting out binary file problems on Windows
  • Leon Booyens for his suggestions
  • Jeremy Brown for the '35efl' tags
  • Dan Heller for his bug reports, detailed suggestions and guidance
  • Wayne Smith for his help figuring out the Pentax maker notes
  • Michael Rommel for his bug fixes and additions to the Canon maker notes
  • Joseph Heled for help figuring out some of the Nikon D70 maker notes
  • Joachim Loehr for adding the Casio type 2 maker notes
  • Greg Troxel for his suggestions and for adding ExifTool to pkgsrc
  • Jay Al-Saadi for his discoveries with the Minolta white balance tag
  • Thomas Walter for figuring out some Nikon tags
  • Brian Ristuccia for more information about some Nikon tags
  • Daniel Pittman for his additions to the Canon WhiteBalance conversion
  • Christian Koller for decoding the 20D custom functions
  • Juha Eskelinen for figuring out the 20D FileNumber
  • Matt Madrid for his testing and feedback
  • Tom Christiansen for his help decoding some Nikon tags
  • Markku Hänninen for help decoding tags for the Olympus E-1
  • Frank Ledwon for decoding many new Olympus tags
  • Robert Rottmerhusen for decoding many tricky Nikon lens data tags
  • Michael Tiemann for decoding a number of new Canon tags
  • Albert Bogner for his image samples, testing and useful suggestions
  • Rainer Hönle for decoding a number of new Canon 5D tags
  • Nilesh Patel for his help with the web page layout
  • Jens Duttke for his help in decoding tags for various makes

And special thanks to my family for putting up with me and thistime-consuming hobby of mine.

Exiftool Gui Windows 10

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under thesame terms as Perl itself.

ExifTool is free, but due to popular request I am providing a way forthose who feel the need to send me some money. It is really not necessary,but thank you very much if you decide to make a contribution:

Feel free to drop me a note if you find ExifTool useful, or if you have anycomments, suggestions or questions. My e-mail address is on the first line ofthe README file of the full distribution. Thanks. - Phil Harvey

Installing Tag Names Links History Forum FAQ

ExifTool is a program by Phil Harvey (exiftool.org) distributed with Advanced Renamer to create support for more file formats like raw camera files, documents, zip files etc. ExifTool supports both more formats and more tags which can be used to mass rename files through Advanced Renamer.

Tag values can get investigated by selecting a file and clicking the ExifTool button in the Fileinfo box. From here you can copy a <ExifTool:> tag and paste it into a method of choice.

At the time of writing ExifTool supports the following file formats:

Exiftool Gui Download Free

3FRHasselblad RAW
3G2, 3GP23rd Gen. Partnership Project 2 audio/video
3GP, 3GPP3rd Gen. Partnership Project audio/video
ACRAmerican College of Radiology ACR-NEMA
AFM, ACFM, AMFMAdobe [Composite/Multiple Master] Font Metrics
AI, AITAdobe Illustrator [Template]
AIFF, AIF, AIFCAudio Interchange File Format [Compressed]
APEMonkey's Audio
ARWSony Alpha RAW
ASFMicrosoft Advanced Systems Format
AVIAudio Video Interleaved
BMP, DIBWindows BitMaP / Device Independent Bitmap
CHMMicrosoft Compiled HTML format
COSCapture One Settings
CR2Canon RAW 2
CRW, CIFFCanon RAW Camera Image File Format
CS1Sinar CaptureShop 1-shot RAW
DCM, DC3, DIC, DICMDICOM - Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine
DCPDNG Camera Profile
DCRKodak Digital Camera RAW
DFONTMacintosh Data Fork Font
DIVXDivX media format
DJVU, DJVDjVu image
DNGDigital Negative
DOC, DOTMicrosoft Word Document/Template
DOCX, DOCMOffice Open XML Document [Macro-enabled]
DOTX, DOTMOffice Open XML Document Template [Macro-enabled]
DYLIBMac OS X Mach-O executable and library files
DVDigital Video
DVBDigital Video Broadcasting
EIPCapture One Enhanced Image Package
EPS, EPSF, PS[Encapsulated] PostScript Format
ERFEpson RAW Format
EXE, DLLDOS/Windows executable and library files
EXIFExchangable Image File Format metadata
F4A, F4B, F4P, F4VAdobe Flash Player 9+ Audio/Video
FFFHasselblad Flexible File Format
FLAMacromedia/Adobe Flash project
FLACFree Lossless Audio Codec
FLVFlash Video
FPXFlashPix image
GIFCompuserve Graphics Interchange Format
GZ, GZIPGNU ZIP compressed archive
HDP, WDPWindows HD Photo / Media Photo
HDRRadiance RGBE High Dynamic-Range
HTML, HTM, XHTML[Extensible] HyperText Markup Language
ICC, ICMInternational Color Consortium color profile
IDMLAdobe InDesign Markup Language
IIQPhase One Intelligent Image Quality RAW
IND, INDD, INDTAdobe InDesign Document/Template
INXAdobe InDesign Interchange
ITCiTunes Cover Flow artwork
J2C, JPCJPEG 2000 codestream
JP2, JPF, J2K, JPM, JPXJPEG 2000 image [Compound/Extended]
JPEG, JPGJoint Photographic Experts Group image
K25Kodak DC25 RAW
KDCKodak Digital Camera RAW
KEY, KTHApple iWork '09 Keynote presentation/Theme
LALossless Audio
LNKMicrosoft Shell Link
M2TS, MTS, M2T, TSMPEG-2 Transport Stream
M4A, M4B, M4P, M4VMPEG-4 Audio/Video
MEFMamiya Electronic Format
MIEMeta Information Encapsulation
MIFF, MIFMagick Image File Format
MKA, MKV, MKSMatroska Audio/Video/Subtitle
MOSCreo Leaf Mosaic
MOV, QTApple QuickTime Movie
MP3MPEG-1 layer 3 audio
MP4Motion Picture Experts Group version 4
MPCMusepack Audio
MPEG, MPG, M2VMotion Picture Experts Group version 1 or 2
MPOExtended Multi-Picture format
MQVSony Mobile QuickTime Video
MRWMinolta RAW
MXFMaterial Exchange Format
NEFNikon Electronic Format
NMBTEMPLATEApple iWork '09 Numbers Template
NUMBERSApple iWork '09 Numbers spreadsheet
Open Document Database/Chart/Formula/Graphics/
OFROptimFROG audio
OGG, OGVOgg bitstream container
ORFOlympus RAW Format
OTFOpen Type Font
PACLossless Predictive Audio Compression
PAGESApple iWork '09 Pages document
PCDKodak Photo CD Image Pac
PDFAdobe Portable Document Format
PEFPentax Electronic Format
PFA, PFBPostScript Font ASCII/Binary
PFMPrinter Font Metrics
PGFProgressive Graphics File
PICT, PCTApple Picture file
PMPSony DSC-F1 Cyber-Shot image
PNG, JNG, MNGPortable/JPEG/Multiple-image Network Graphics
PPM, PBM, PGMPortable Pixel/Bit/Gray Map
PPT, PPS, POTMicrosoft PowerPoint Presentation/Slideshow/Template
POTX, POTMOffice Open XML Presentation Template [Macro-enabled]
PPSX, PPSMOffice Open XML Presentation Slideshow [Macro-enabled]
PPTX, PPTMOffice Open XML Presentation [Macro-enabled]
PSD, PSBPhotoShop Drawing / Large Document
QTIF, QTI, QIFQuickTime Image File
RAReal Audio
RAFFujiFilm RAW Format
RAM, RPMReal Audio/Plug-in Metafile
RARRAR Archive
RAWKyocera Contax N Digital RAW
RAWPanasonic RAW
RIFF, RIFResource Interchange File Format
RM, RV, RMVBReal Media/Video [Variable Bitrate]
RSRCMac OS Resource
RTFRich Text Format
RW2Panasonic RAW 2
RWZRawzor compressed image
SOUnix ELF executable and Shared Object files
SR2Sony RAW 2
SRFSony RAW Format
SRWSamsung RAW format
SVGScalable Vector Graphics
SWFShockwave Flash
THMCanon Thumbnail
THMXOffice Open XML Theme
TIFF, TIFTagged Image File Format
TTF, TTCTrue Type Font/Collection
VOBVideo Object
VRDCanon DPP Recipe Data
VSDMicrosoft Visio Drawing
WAVWindows digital audio WAVeform
WEBMGoogle Web Movie
WEBPGoogle Web Picture
WMA, WMVWindows Media Audio/Video
WVWavePack lossless audio
X3FSigma/Foveon RAW
XCFGIMP native image format
XLS, XLTMicrosoft Excel Spreadsheet/Template
XLSX, XLSM, XLSBOffice Open XML Spreadsheet [Macro-enabled/Binary]
XLTX, XLTMOffice Open XML Spreadsheet Template [Macro-enabled]
XMPExtensible Metadata Platform sidecar file
ZIPZIP archive