Matrix Screensaver Mojave

  1. Matrix Screensaver Mac Mojave
  2. Matrix Screensaver Mojave Download
  3. Matrix Screensaver Mojave Desert
  4. Matrix Screensaver Mojave Version

Coding sessions fueled by:
Radio Paradise
Music that doesn't suck.

This is the distribution page for ZMatrix. ZMatrix is an animated desktop background which displays streaming characters in a style similar to what was used in the movie 'The Matrix'. The program was based off of source code for a screen saver found at, and is entirely free. If you have problems with ZMatrix please review the help documentation that comes with the program, or visit the the help documentation online using the 'Help' link on the list to the left of this page. To submit bug reports, feature requests, etc. please use the appropriate sourceforge web interface, as listed below:

Type of FeedbackAppropriate Web Interface
Program crashes, error messages, unexpected behaviour. If you report a bug, please leave some sort of contact information (email or ICQ/MSN/Yahoo messenger handle) with the bug report. If I am unable to reproduce the problem on my own machine, and cannot contact you, I am not likely to be able to fix the bug. Bug Reports
How do I get the program to.. Will it work with..Support Requests
Can you get the program to do this.. Can you get the program to work with this..Feature Requests
This program ROCKS! This program BLOWS! I wonder what other people are doing with this program.Discussion Forums

Any other questions/comments can be directed to:


May 25, 2003

Version 1.5.2 released. Another quick bug-fix release. Mainly done to address the rendering issue showing up in opaque mode. I'm also taking this release as a chance to tidy things up a bit. Removed the upgrade installers. They were too much trouble to maintain, and I had gotten lazy and stopped differentiating them from the full installs anyways.

On a somewhat related note, I got to go see The Matrix Reloaded today. Good film. Got to see a friend's name in the credits, very cool, Sam, you rock.

May 21, 2003

Version 1.5.1 released. This is a quick follow-up release to 1.5.0 to address column spacing problems that were sometimes occurring with the newer Matrix Code Font bundled with 1.5.0. This release uses the older, more dependable font.

May 19, 2003

Version 1.5.0 released. First new release in a long time. Done in time (more or less) for the new Matrix film. This release includes some spiffy new features such as the 'Special String Streams' and the addition of the Winamp Visualization Plugin. Less flashy/notable additions include the new references to the help documentation (online and in the program), and the addition of a dialog to shamelessly plug myself to people in need of a software developer. Many thanks to those who suggested new features and reported bugs.

Also of note in this new release are the updates to the credits/acknowledgments. The original author of the matrix screensaver that this project was based off of contacted me and let me know that his new website is The producer of the 'Matrix Code Font' bundled with ZMatrix is now known as e-RBi, you can visit his website at, or email him at

February 3, 2003

Version 1.4.8 released. Quick bug fix to take care of the 'top or left positioned taskbar' problem which was supposed to be fixed before, but wasn't completely.

February 1, 2003

Version 1.4.7 released. The most important change in this version is the addition of Win9x/Me support. I am recommending Win98 or later with IE 5.0 or later installed, but if someone has success running on earlier system specs., post a message in the Discussion Forums and let me, and everyone else know. Also, please note that I'm no longer bundling the MS Gothic font with ZMatrix, but am using a much smaller, Matrix specific font. Much thanks goes to the developer of this font: Realm Beyond iNSANiTY (RBi), see the readme for information on the font.

January 13, 2003

Version 1.4.6 released. More bug fixes and some new features such as different blending modes, and screen saver specific configuration.

January 4, 2003

Version 1.4.5 released. A bugfix release. This one should remove the 'Failed to get RGN for SysListView' error message being reported by some people. This error seems to have been occurring if there were no icons on the desktop.

I'd also like to thank all the people who have reported bugs, and helped in the debugging of the last two versions of ZMatrix.

January 3, 2003

Version 1.4.4 released. Mostly a bugfix release. Continued improvement of the Active Desktop support, and hopefully better XP compatibility. Also, I am now providing an 'Upgrade' installer for people who already have a version of ZMatrix installed.. The idea is to reduce the download size for people on dial-up. See the change log/history below for a list of all changes.

On a completely unrelated note: when did so many download sites start to suck so much? CNet/ won't even let me update my software posting with them unless I pay $79. Tucows now has a seperate login location for us non-subscribed authors, and is constantly trying to convince you to shell out for faster update processing. Now, I thought that these sites were supposed to have a mutually beneficial relationship with software authors.. by having our software posted, we bring them page hits, and they in return get us a larger audience for our software. Anyways, I'm ranting.. but there is a point: I'd like to give full credit to Major Geeks for being the best download site to deal with.

December 25, 2002 -- Merry Christmas

Version 1.4.3 released. Many bug fixes and new features in this release. This release should work reasonably well with Active Desktop. For a complete list of the changes in this version, see the change log at the bottom of this page. Please let me know of any problems experienced with this version of the program via the sourceforge web interfaces listed at the top of the page. I've also started taking donations of any amount from anyone who enjoys the program, and feels that it's worth something. Also, to help shrink the download size of the program, I'm looking into a web-install, so that un-needed elements (namely, the font used by the program) don't have to be downloaded if they're already on the target machine.

August 29, 2002

Version 1.4.2 released. Version 1.4.1 was accidentally bundled as a debug build. Sorry.

August 28, 2002

Version 1.4.1 released with multiple bug fixes.

Also, just to notify anyone who cares, I'll be leaving on a trip in mid September, and I likely won't be back till early to mid December (a guy wears just one 'FBI Relocation Program' T-Shirt, and they say your cover's blown.. geeez). I'm just kidding. I will be away though, so there likely won't be updates for a while, and questions sent to will likely not be answered for a while.

August 19, 2002

Version 1.4.0 released with significant changes. Source code is now released under GNU GPL.

August 16, 2002

Project hosting moved to SourceForge.

April 06, 2002

WANTED: DEAD OR ALIVE (preferably dead): One elusive bug. I've had more than one report of people receiving an error message stating 'Error, couldn't get RGN for SysListView32'. For some people, the message is persistent (every time the program starts or refreshes), for others, it is transient (happens once in a while). I have been unable to reproduce this error message on my machine, although enough people have mentioned it to me to assure me that it exists. What I'd like is for anyone who:

  1. Has or is willing to get the source for the program (see the Development section below),
  2. Can compile the main module of the source using MSVC, AND
  3. Can reproduce the error on their computer

to send me an email (, and hopefully take some time to help me track down and get this bug. I've got a suspicion regarding how it can be solved, but since I can't reproduce it on my system, I can't really efficiently try it out and see.

March 21, 2002

By request, I have made the source code for the program publicly available. Use the 'Development' link on the left, or scroll down to the development section for the download. The code is intended primarily as a learning tool, but I have tried to ensure that anyone can use it as they need it. For that reason, it is distributed under a BSD style license. The specifics of the licensing can be found in the README.txt file within the zip. In order to fully compile the code, you will need both Visual Studio (6.0) and Borland C++ Builder (6.0). Hopefully this will not be a problem for too many people. If there are files which I have neglected to include in the source distribution, or if you have comments on/fixes for the code, feel free to email me at .

Feb. 06, 2002

Well, I just realized that this little program is being linked to by a few places (even got USA Today's 'Pick of the Day' on Feb. 04, 2002). So I guess it's time to add a download counter and add some more 'user friendly' features to the program. Here's what I'm considering doing:

-Improving (read: creating) 'Active Desktop' compatibility. [suggested by Paul V.]
-Investigate functionality on a dual monitor setup. [suggested by Samantha]
-Have the program function as a screensaver as well as a background. [suggested by Robyn T.]
-Port the program to KDE and/or GNOME. [suggested by Paul F.]

If there's anything else you think should this program should do (besides walk, talk, and work under Win9x), feel free to send the suggestion to .


-Windows 98, Millenium(Me), 2000 or XP
-2.0 Megs of Disk Space


Current version is 1.5.2 [May 24, 2003]

Windows XP and Windows 2000 users:

Download the full version here:
ZMatrix NT Setup

Windows 98/Me users:

Download the full version here:
ZMatrix 9x Setup


The following screenshot will give you an idea of how this program will look:

History/Change Log/Features:

Features include:

  • Completely text based rather than using images.
  • Has low priority so it will not slow down other operations.
  • Does not impede normal desktop operations.
  • Free, not share/nag/ad/spy ware.

New in Version 1.1:

  • Blends with existing background image.
  • Much improved install/uninstall procedure.
  • Addition of a system tray icon for interaction/control of the program.
  • Configuration window for customizing appearance.

New in Version 1.2:

  • Given choice during install to have program added to startup folder.
  • Fixed a bug which caused crashes on program exit when the user didn't have administrator privileges.

New in Version 1.2.1:

  • Better handling of background image changes while the program is running.

New in Version 1.2.4:

  • Better handling of OS shutdown.

New in Version 1.2.5

  • Better handling of desktop parameter changes (color, resolution, etc..). [Thanks Logan].

New in Version 1.4.0 (August 19, 2002)

  • Added multi-monitor support [thanks to Samantha and others for the suggestion].
  • Added screensaver module [thanks Robyn].

New in Version 1.4.1 (August 28, 2002)

  • Fixed a bug that surfaced when the program is set as a 'Password protected' screensaver. The program cannot run properly in this mode, it now uses other screensavers rather than displaying an error message.
  • Given slightly more graceful behaviour when the program exits while the config dialog is open.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the desktop icons to disappear when the windows 'Show Desktop' command is used.
  • Modified to add a 'screensaver only' mode where the program is launched as a screensaver, and closes when the screensaver mode is done.
  • Reworked the desktop parameter change detection code.. hopefully for the better.

New in Version 1.4.2 (August 29, 2002)

  • Release build, not debug build.

New in Version 1.4.3 (December 25, 2002)

  • HOPEFULLY fixes the 'Forced to terminate registry listener thread' error message (Request ID #642185).
  • First attempt at Active Desktop support (Request ID #602998).
  • Password protected screensaver support (Request ID #651904).
  • Detects moved/new desktop icons and attempts not to draw over them (Request ID #599242).
  • Allowed process priority to be modified (Request ID #617461).
  • Additional configuration options for rendering (Request ID #651891).
  • Added methods for sending donations, submitting bug reports, feature requests, etc..
  • Other minor bug fixes and feature additions.

New in Version 1.4.4 (January 3, 2003)

  • Hopefully fixes the start menu problems in XP (Request ID #659121, #659122, and #659170).
  • Attempted improvements in Active Desktop support (invisble desktop icons hopefully no longer a problem).
  • Added the ability to change auto-startup options after installation (Request ID #659596).
  • Added an upgrade installer for those who already have a version of ZMatrix installed.
  • Other minor bug fixes and feature additions.

New in Version 1.4.5 (January 4, 2003)

  • Removed the 'Failed to get RGN for SysListView' error message that was occurring if there were no desktop icons (Request ID #659479).

New in Version 1.4.6 (January 13, 2003)

  • Gives additional control over the rendering method (Request ID #662342).
  • Fixes the font options bug (Request ID #662404).
  • Dynamic items no long show through in screen saver mode (Request ID #662973).
  • Fixed the 'last column on the right not being draw' problem (Request ID #663346).
  • Fixed the 'task bar on left or top causes rendering errors' problem (Request ID #663429).
  • Added screen saver specific configuration.
  • Added help documentation.

New in Version 1.4.7 (February 1, 2003)

  • Fixes the error on screensaver startup problem (Request ID #671755).
  • Adds the blend screen saver with background only option (Request ID #673858).
  • Adds Win9x/Me compatability (Request ID #651897).
  • New (smaller) default font bundled.
  • Adds a pause feature.
  • Other Minor fixes and feature additions.

New in Version 1.4.8 (February 3, 2003)

  • Fixes the 'top or left positioned taskbar' problem.

New in Version 1.5.0 (May 19, 2003)

  • Fixes the 'only installs with admin rights' problem (Request ID #660061).
  • Attempts to address the Litestep compatibility issue (somewhat) (Request ID #674950).
  • Attempts to address the 'randomized cleanup' problem (Request ID #739951).
  • Adds the 'winamp visualization plugin' feature (Request ID #720719).
  • Adds the 'special string streams' feature (Request ID #724838).
  • Other Minor fixes and feature additions.

New in Version 1.5.1 (May 21, 2003)

  • Attempts to address the 'font spacing' problem (Request ID #740887).

New in Version 1.5.2 (May 25, 2003)

  • Attempts to address the 'opaque rendering mode' problem (Request ID #741607).


The source code for the project is now publicly available under the GNU GPL.

Download the zipped source here:

Visit the SourceForge project homepage.

Browse the SourceForge project CVS.

MacOS 10.14 Mojave is the best Mac operating system yet – but it’s not without its problems. Read on to find common macOS 10.14 problems and how to fix them. The screensaver should no longer need additional configuration to run on PCs with both discrete AMD GPU and Intel CPU with integrated iGPU, assuming somewhat recent drivers in order to comply with GDPR, statistics feedback checkboxes are unchecked by default on fresh installations 0.60.

This screensaver brings all of the screensavers included in the Apple TV media device, featuring aerial views of New York, San Francisco, China, Hawaii and other places (by day and/or night), to your Mac OS X or Microsoft Windows computer. The screensaver features automatic updates of the latest available videos, an option to show a different aerial view whenever it starts, and the ability to add specific views to a list of favorites. Requires OS X version 10.9 (Mavericks) or newer, or Windows version 7, 8 or 10.

ScreenshotsVideo previewFilesAnti-virusHelp

Message board

Is your question not listed? Post it on our message board »

SubjectRepliesLast post
How to turn it on or off?111 months ago
How to use different video files11 year ago
How do I make the options available?31 year ago
i-Mac gets stuck running Aerial screensaver31 year ago
Doesn't work after WIN 10 April update63 years ago
Screensaver only works when I have the clock on.33 years ago
Aerial screensaver13 years ago
Aerial Screensaver14 years ago

Help pages

Installation instructions

Microsoft Windows

  1. Extract the screensaver file from the file you downloaded to the Windows folder on your hard drive, then right-click it and select 'Install'.

Anti-virus report for Apple TV Aerial Views

Our editors have reviewed all files and found them to be safe, but they are also checked automatically using many different virus scanners. We are happy to share the results.

Last scanned2 weeks ago1 week ago

We have 2 files for 'Apple TV Aerial Views'

  1. (Windows)
  2. (Mac)
File report #1
Target system Microsoft Windows
File size171.51 kB (175,631 bytes)
File typeZIP archive
Detection ratio0/13 (0%) View report
Total downloads64,387
Last downloaded17 minutes ago
File verification
File report #2
Target system Apple Mac
File size6.43 MB (6,746,815 bytes)
File typeZIP archive
Detection ratio0/13 (0%) View report
Total downloads29,671
Last downloaded2 hours ago
File verification

User reviews (50)

Doesn't work on my new imac 24'

by Sherry on July 14, 2021

doesnt work for 3 screens

by Dankkster on June 18, 2021

I keep installing it but for some reason the screensaver stays the same every time. How do I change it?

by Dimitris on April 8, 2021

Downloaded for both my iMac 27', and MacBook Pro on Catalina and works perfect
Also installed on my Windows 10 Games machine and works well. You do however need a good graphics card on Win10, at least 2gb

by Marco on March 31, 2021

Awesome screensaver! My only issue with it is that you can't choose a specific one. A deticated button to choose a specific one would be nice. Also im missing the text that usually appears at the bottom for a biref moment

by Poochy on February 28, 2021

Running OS Big Sir, and it works great!

by pam on February 25, 2021

awesome that it still works

by Drugi on February 15, 2021

It works for me. Beautiful videos of clouds.

by Dave on December 6, 2020


by RIRO on September 12, 2020

It was just giving me a black screen.

by Amanda on September 3, 2020

One of the best one but there should be 4k version.

by talhaboy on August 2, 2020

the screensaver is amazing but there is a small text that actually bothers me though, could anyone help me eradicate that texts? thank you

by Satria A on June 18, 2020
Matrix screensaver mojave download

I love it!

by Meesh on May 18, 2020

best but, not work on catalina

by bane on January 7, 2020

is not working at catalina, help

by fahri on January 3, 2020

Says Windows Media Player can't play the file.

by David on November 11, 2019

It's Great

by David on August 7, 2019


by none on June 26, 2019


by Amiganer84 on January 23, 2019

Using it on Macbook Air with Mojave 10.14.2. The screen just goes blank when the screensaver is about to start. Any idea why?

by Abhishek Mitra on January 22, 2019

Screensaver Filename: Aerial.scr
VirusTotal: 0
Score: 4 / 5
Tested on: 2019-01-09
Operating System: Windows 10 Pro (full updated)

Need a good PC to run this one.

by Joe Dirt on January 9, 2019

Have I done it wrong? Downloading, unzipping .. Contents folder does not have .saver file. Tried to simply rename to .saver, does not work either

by matricaria on December 18, 2018

Awesome screensaver. If you're looking for an up-to date version of this screensaver with 4K videos and many other features, visit the project homepage to download:

by tim on November 20, 2018

Is there any way to make it offline? Or download just 2-3 video and set its path within the app? It's bit disappointing that I need to connect to internet everytime to use this.

by Harry on October 6, 2018

It is - or rather was - truly stunning screensaver, however as soon as you move to Mojave (am on the latest Beta version) it ceases to function!!

by Howard on July 7, 2018

Great screen saver. However, I am beta testing MacOS 10.14 (Mojave) and the screen saver does not work with that version. It will need to be updated.

by Ken Smith on June 26, 2018

Running MacBookPro14,2 with macOs 10.13.5 (17F77) I've experienced total jamming after a few seconds of beautiful scenery view. Looked like synchronisation issue of display, healed as soon as clock is set to be displayed. Then, just awesome!

by Eva on June 18, 2018

This screen saver is not working on my Windows 10 machine. I think it would be very beautiful, but can't get it to work.

by Juan Rodriguez on June 9, 2018

Not working, any special requirements

by Rassie on May 12, 2018

Hands down, this is THE BEST SCREENSAVER I have ever come across.

by Jamillos on May 4, 2018

Great screensaver but only works while clock is displayed.

by Francis on April 30, 2018

This screensaver is excellent and is an amazing piece of software. However i had discovered a bug where certain screensavers appear to shake in a glitchy fashion. Almost as if it it is trying to adjust to a different screen resolution. I would really like this fixed to have a perfect screensaver.

by Sergey on January 9, 2018

its pretty good

by charlie on January 5, 2018

This is amazing as the other have said just tried it quickly and it is great - you get short Aerial videos each time. Great on a big retina screen.

by DRS on October 13, 2017

The most breathtaking screensaver in full performance. Project brutality 3.0 2019.

by Mirza on September 30, 2017

This screensaver is BREATHTAKING on Windows 10, especially with a nice size display. Make sure to follow the instructions on unzipping a file. Enjoy!

by Hey! on September 12, 2017

I love the pictures, but i wish I knew where these places were! I suggest adding the information at the bottom
Of the screen!

by Kim Cromer on August 20, 2017

I was awestruck. It's so beautiful <3.

by Priya Thomas on June 22, 2017

I never give feedback on anything online. This screen saver is outrageously awesome!

by Brandon on May 23, 2017

It is the most incredible screensaver I have ever seen! Gold star for the people behind it. I'm totally blown away!!!

by IONAZ on May 11, 2017

When Windows Firewall blocks everything, then this screensaver gets an error message and cuts!

Screensavers Planet: The high-quality videos are much too large in file size to be included in the download here, so the screensaver streams them from Apple's servers. If you block its connection to the internet, the Aerial Views screensaver will not work.


Matrix Screensaver Mac Mojave

by KC on May 10, 2017

Nice views

by Xicocf on March 18, 2017

Amazingly beautiful. Putting this on my 55' tv in my living room while music plays on my stereo is great for entertaining. Love it.

by DJ Junior on February 17, 2017


Matrix Screensaver Mojave Download

by yakov rosner on February 10, 2017

Matrix Screensaver Mojave Desert


by danny on December 30, 2016

perfect best screen saver

by Amazing on November 26, 2016

Guau.. It's amazing!!!

by raul on October 29, 2016

Gorgeous, but on Windows 10 my monitor stays on indefinitely, ignoring its auto-off setting. It's only supposed to do that when viewing full-screen video, not for screensavers.

by Steve G on September 4, 2016

mi piace , ma questo screensaver dovrebbe includere l'Italia

by serena marchesa on June 27, 2016


by John on March 21, 2016

Write a review

Please share your opinion about this screensaver in a user review.

Have a question or problem? Please post it on our message board (no registration).

More: Cool, High-Definition (HD), Landscape, Nature

Related screensavers

Matrix Screensaver Mojave Version

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