Fallout 2 Game

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Fallout 2 Game

Fallout 2 Gamefaqs

Fallout 2 Mods (A listing of mods for Fallout 2. Includes a very useful fix by an independent which boosts the random encounters in the game to make them compatible with today's faster CPUs.) Fallout 2: Survivor MOD homepage (MOD for Fallout 2 focusing on weapons in the game plus various general bug fixes.). When Fallout was released in late 1997, the game garnered high praise from nearly every major publication dealing with the computer game industry. Not surprisingly, the developers have followed up the title with a sequel, Fallout 2.

Fallout 2 Game Download


Fantasy fans and those with a leaning towards Civ copycats are fairly well catered for by PC games right now. but there are few modem day examples of truly great turn-based games with futuristic leanings.The FalloutRPG series is one of them, and with a complex character development system and many skills to choose from, you can spend literally hours tinkering about with your characters, fine-tuning them until you have a squad that can deal with any situation the game might throw at them. The storyline is way above par given the throwaway plots usually associated with many of Fallout 2's fantasy counterparts, and there are plenty of twistsin the tale along the way. In fact, you can influence the story yourself, to an extent, depending which characters you choose to align with.

Fallout 2 game guideFallout

Fallout 2 Game Guide

On the downside, the interface is a little cumbersome, particularly while moving units around in combat. And the graphics were never going to win any awards when the game was released, so they won't be knocking your socks off now. But if solid gameplay is high on your agenda, for the princely sum of five pounds. Fallout 2 will keep you entertained for a very long time to come.