Diablo 2 Lord Of Destruction Kickass

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  5. Diablo 2 Lord Of Destruction Classes

Diablo 2 lord of destruction v 1 13d 2001 multi2 repack b. From filepost.com (2 GB) Diablo 2 lord of destruction v1 13c directplay portable x. From mediafire.com (2 GB) Diablo 2 lord of destruction 3cd 3 links ul nl fs. From uploaded.to (2 GB) Diablo 2 lord of destruction v 1 13d 2001 repack by sanctuary megadown. From uploaded.to (2 GB). The expansion to Diablo II adds a host of new features to the game, including two new playable classes – the shapeshifting Druid and the cunning Assassin. Explore the snowy homeland of the Barbarians, face fiendish new monsters, and arm yourself with thousands of new weapons, armor, and magical items in the fight against Baal, the last of the. If you don't already own a copy of Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction, it can still be purchased straight from Blizzard. Here are five of the best Diablo 2 mods to help you bask in nostalgic glory.

The Assassin is a class from ‘Lord of Destruction’ expansion. The fact that the character is more effective in PvP doesn’t mean that isn’t good enough for PvM. An Assassin can easily take down groups of monsters too. There are three main categories of builds for this class:

  • Trap Assassins (Trapsins or Trassassins): Assassins that focus on ‘Traps’ skill tree.
  • Martial Artists (or Kicksins): Assassins that rely on skills from ‘Martial Arts’ tree.
  • Hybrids: Assassins that invest in abilities from all skill trees of the class.

A common tip for Assassin builds is to include some core skills that are helpful for everyone, regardless the special route you wish to follow:

  • Burst of Speed: An increase in movement and attack speed can be useful in many cases.
  • Claw Mastery: It increases the Attack rating while you’re using the exclusive weapon type of the class, without investing many points in Dexterity.
  • Weapon Block: it’s not useful for all Assassin builds, but mostly for those who play with dual Claws weapon. It provides a decent chance for a block.
  • Tiger Strike: Even if you invest a single point here, it will help you defeat powerful enemies.
  • Blade Fury: Invest a single point here too, unless you want to follow a build based on this skill, with special items to boost it. This way it can reach a high damage output.
  • Shadow Warrior: A summoned ally that will cast the skills you have placed to your right and left click. You can use it for casting skills with timers or helpful skills while you’re attacking. However, it won’t deal too much damage to overcome yours, but it’s useful for defensive purposes too.

Popular Assassins Builds

  • Monk: A hybrid Assassin build that relies on AoE (Area of Effect) skills and especially Phoenix Strike and Death Sentry and their synergies.
  • Elementalist: An Assassin build that focuses on Elemental skills from “Martial Arts tree” such as Phoenix Strike.
  • The Talon Kicksin: The most common of Kicksins build, it relies on finishing kicks like Dragon Flight and Dragon Talon.
  • Vampire: This build belongs to Martial Artist Assassin and it’s built around Cobra Strike. It takes advantage of the skill’s life and mana draining capabilities.
  • Dark Warrior: A build with many variations that focuses on ‘Shadow Disciplines’ skill tree. The main abilities are often Venom, Shadow Master or Shadow Warrior.
  • Lightning Trapper: This build takes advantage of the skills from ‘Traps’ tree and mostly of Lightning Traps such as Lightning Sentry.
  • Whirlwind Assassin or WWsin: This is a type of Assassin that is built around the bonus effects that Chaos Runeword grants.

Released in June 2001, 11 months after the original game, the Lord of Destruction expansion lifted Diablo II into an elite pantheon of online games played by the masses. Blizzard introduced a new act, two character classes, hundreds of new items, item classes, new enemies, new enemy and boss characteristics, and more. In the new act, Baal - The Lord of Destruction - is leading the entire extended army of Hell against the legendary Mount Arreat in the land of the barbarians, sworn protectors of the World Stone. If Baal is able to corrupt the stone then the barriers holding the planes of existence will shatter and Hell itself will wash over the mortal realm like a tidal wave of shadows.

Category note: 100% is completing all quests in all difficulties, including killing the Cow King.

  • Best time as the Assassin: 0:58:52 by Sören 'FraGFroG' Heinrich on 2009-10-11.
  • Best time as the Assassin with deaths: 0:58:28 by Sören 'FraGFroG' Heinrich on 2009-10-11.
  • Best time as the Druid: 1:11:43 by Ricky 'LeWoVoc' Mitchell on 2009-11-23.
  • Best 100% time as the Sorceress 2:43:59 by Pascal 'Teo-' Fischer on 2015-01-25.

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Assassin 0:58:52 by Sören Heinrich, done in 33 segments appended to one file.

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Author's comments:

First of all: Thanks to the SDA-staff for having this great site on. It is really a pleasure to see some of the speedruns on this site. They reveal so many new strategies of games one has already played, so it's always interesting to watch 'em. Also thanks to the previous D2-speedrunners for providing the basis on which to build upon. Bimancs run was of great help in terms of calculating and calibrating certain things in my strategy, and it also provided some great motivation to always keep on trying to get better and better times, and optimize more and more (without those previous runs as examples, one would probably stop trying to optimize much earlier in the run - and therefore get a worse time). Also reaching sub-hour was a great motivation for me during the run.. ;)
Special thanks to mfb, who helped me out at the start of my run and gave me some advice here and there.
Now let me start to my commentary explaining the segments.

1st segment: In this segment I had to reach the stony-wp and get some very good experience on the way.. I do not really like this first segment much anymore, because when I look back I thought I could have done it better. I lost some four seconds due to inaccurate clicking on monsters and such in the Blood Moor, but at least the multiple fallen kills were nice and made back some of that time.. In the Cold Plains I went up first for a very good reason. Normally (around 80 % of the time, as you will see in later segments) there is at least one boss-pack up there, so it is a nice and fast level 3. But unfortunately the boss did not spawn on this attempt, so I lost another ten to twelve seconds there just killing a relatively small low-xp-group. Anyway, the three bosses (which is a quite rare occasion) and that big group in the Cold Plains after that saved my day and made it an 'ok segment' by almost giving me level 5 here. Without them this segment would have just been thrown away without further notice.

2nd segment: I did not plan on doing rakanishu-runs as bimanc did because I think my 'extreme-leveling-on-the-way-method' is much more effective than just massing segments on one to two bosses early in the game, because I can at least proceed through areas while leveling, and the early areas (Cold Plains/Stony) don't give me as much xp as the later ones can do. So as a rule of thumb for later segments I can tell you, that I almost always optimized my segments in terms of experience per segment without loosing too much time on it of course, until I reach level 20 (at least, a very fast level 12 to use traps and level 17 to allow me to equip stealth is VERY important for me right from the beginning). As for this segment, you can see again in the Cold Plains/Underground Passage (like in the 1st segment), that I do not shy away from small detours that are not directly enroute if there is an almost certain bossgroup waiting for me (you can scout those likely boss-spots before starting your 'real runs'). Bosspacks always give such AWESOME experience that it would be absurd not to kill them, when they are only a little bit out of the way. You gain even more experience per boss/minion than killing a normal monster in an eight-player-game alone, 500 % instead of 450 % xp with eight-players to be precise, so when you've killed a six monster bossgroup, it is equivalent to having killed 30 normal monster of the same type in just that time and with your experience shrine it's even more extreme (equivalent to having killed 45 normal monsters without a shrine!) Not much else to say about this segment, only that again, I think I could have manipulated one more bosspack in the Black Marsh, but sadly I realised these improvements much too late, so all I can do is complaining now.. ^_^
At least I found a belt early in this segment, which makes the following segments much easier to handle, and the experience over time and total time was not bad, just not as ultimate as I later wanted them to be. ;)

3rd segment: This segment is really just about getting the outer cloister wp and hit level 8 before doing my countess runs. I really like this one, except for some minor flaws like killing that fire-enchanted boss with my claws and not killing that big rogues-group following me before getting the wp, because it gives me the maximum possible bosses on that way I think. The two bosses each on stony and tamo were especially nice, because they were very rarely all together in place.

4th segment: This is just about selling stuff and getting some mana for the upcoming countess runs. I don't really need them before, because the boss leveling tactic give me enough mana-potion drops on the way. And before level 12 I always stay at the boss, until he is dead so I can pick up these potions with ease.

5th segment: I need three items to proceed to countess now. A 10-ias-dagger for much faster throwing speed, a javelin, to kill the fire-resistant countess and finally, I decided to get the two-socket-armor for stealth here, so I do not have to worry about that one later. Could have saved two to three seconds there at buying, cause I was a bit slow at the time, but those three things came up SO rarely all together, that I decided to keep that segment anyway.

Segments 6-8: These are my three Countess runs. Why did I do three instead of two you may ask? That is easy I would reply: The Tower is quite simply the best boss-xp-area of the whole game in my opinion as I created some kind of 'run-algorithm' for the tower to get a gigantic amount of boss or champion packs per run. Up to seven bosses per run - including the countess - are possible (as you can see in the second run for example). That is why I optimized those three runs for experience and runes together, not just those two necessary double-drop-runs combined with shitty experience, assuming you don't want to sacrifice several months doing just countess-runs a few thousand times to optimize both together (which I absolutely did NOT want to do).
However, I had not realized that run-algorithm in the first run, so I only managed five bosses there with the tir eth drop.
The second run was total pwnage on the xp-side, as I said before..
The third run was kinda special. Why did I kept it despite having 'just' six groups (although two of them were champs, which are not as good as bossgroups..) and getting cursed by the penultimate boss-group?
Easy answer: I reached level 12 (that was my minimum goal) and got the biggest kickass-drop EVER. Ral, Tal and Ith, which are the three best runes she can drop at all, all bunched together in just one drop (chances for that occuring are something like 1:5000 I guess..).
Either way Tal and Ith sell for some nice gold and take just two spots of the inventory and I definitely need gold for all the mana-potions soon (I won't pick up many from level 12 on cause of pure running past bosspacks before they die), so I decided to keep that run rather then optimize for some more xp.

9th segment: Alright, big segment here. Jail Level 1 wp was kinda too far off track, so I decided to run from the Outer directly to Inner Cloister. Leveling with traps becomes really fast now, because you just have to stop at every bossgroup and drop two to five traps (takes just one to two seconds of standing still) before you can just go on running, letting the traps do the dirty work for you while you are already on the way to the next bossgroup. :)
This ability to easily kill boss packs with traps was another factor in my calculation, and why I wanted to reach level 12 as fast as possible and made three countess-runs. Firetraps are just the ULTIMATE speedrunning skill in this game (beside teleport of course). From now on I basically only waste approximately one minutes pure laying-time till reaching level 20. The rest is just plain running to the necessary locations, nothing else.
I am quite happy with this segment, because I think I reached the maximum possible boss-packs without any major faults on my side. Took me a lot of tries though, but the result was definitely worth it as you can see!

10th segment: Getting level 2 cata-wp and level 14 before it for my Andi-runs were my aims here. Not much else to say, as the boss-spots were nice and static here, not much manipulation needed.

11th segment: Getting Gorefoot or Hsarus boots from Andi (both with +20 % frw) was my aim here, I got the latter. I was really lucky with my maproll, cause that nice cata-2/3-stairs made it possible for me to reach Andi within 25 seconds each attempt. Also she was quite easy and fast to kill due to the fact that my traps were already at level 3, which also made all those runs quite fast and comfortable of course. ;)
However, the pick up of Andi's drop was the worst scene of this whole run in my opinion, because it costs me like twelve extra-seconds to create all that space in my inventory (cause of my health-pots blocking all the space). I should have drunk those while fighting with Andi, not after the drop. Sadly I realized this too late, when the right drop came. I should have remade this one, but I did not have the ambition back then, as I had later in the run (concerning the sub-hour-goal and such). So looking back at my act 1 segments, I think I could have saved at least 30 seconds here and there. But it is too late to care now and I think the segments get better and better from now on, so i'll stop complaining now. ^_^

segment 12 and 13: I decided to split the shopping-segments into two, because I still needed to get a two-socket short staff from Akara in act 1 (fastest speed of all staffs) and a belt (with fhr) + potions from Charsi and Lysander in act two and those two items together in one segments combined with a nice buying/selling speed were just too hard to get in one segment. I also needed to finally use all my stat-points on the character, which I had not done for a long time.. ^_^
Could have saved me another two seconds if I had put all those points in stats in earlier segments with that shift-click while running, but that is not a big deal and it would have been another source of error in earlier segments and I really didn't needed them in act 1.

14th segment: This segment is about getting the far oasis WP and the cube. I tried to use the Tal Eth-frw-glitch that bimanc described in the comments to his run (thanks again for that hint) but I didn't know that a level-up would stop the glitch here. But my leveling went so extraordinary well (the other attempts were not even close to this one) that I will not complain about it here either, even if I had the glitch only for one to two desert-areas (for comparison: I almost never had the level up before the far oasis in other attempts.. so xp-gain was just total win!)

15th segment: I decided to get the amulet before the shaft, so that I have a higher level in the maggots lair, so I can reach the staff faster. Five bosses was the feasible maximum, which I managed to get here. Some missclicks here and there costs me approx. two seconds, but it is not a big deal. Optimization in D2-speedrunning should basically go for maximum shrine/monster-luck and such (at least in the leveling-segments) not some minor clicking errors which happen sometimes, but only cost a few seconds altogether, maybe.. compared with the much higher xp-gain you get for it, those few extra-seconds don't really count for very much later..

16th segment: Now it is time for the staff (in the much hated maggots lair, a trappers hell for speedrunning). This was the first segment, in which I allowed for two types of shrine. Skill-shrine or xp-shrine. With the first one, I would try to optimize for speed only, meaning at least sub-two-minutes. With the latter one I would optimize for xp too, while not going too far over two minutes of course. In the end the xp-segments turned out to have won this battle, so I kept this particular attempt, which, though not as godlike as the first desert-segment, it is still acceptable for a speedrun.

17th segment: Just completing the staff-quest and refilling with potions was the goal here. Not much to say. I definetly am most proud of this segment though, because i get soooo many potions. ;)

18th segment: The coming segments are getting more and more speed-optimized rather then xp-optimized. This segment is all about getting to the arcance sanctuary while killing the maximum possible number of bosses on the way which I achieved. It was the first segment where I decided to go without any shrine, because getting it would just cost me too much extra-time and the segment is only 1:07 long and I already have level 17 now, which means I reached my two earlier stated goals (traps + stealth). I also have enough xp-viable-areas before me to reach level 20 without much hassle. So the only 'extra-way' I took here was in the last area, because of that boss-position which is very near to the direct way.

19th segment: In the arcane sanctuary, I went without any shrine again, because of speed. This area is just about getting to the summoner in the fastest possible time killing that one regular ghost-boss on the way. Two stops at monsters in the arcane sanctuary were feasible and those two were killed quite fast by me on that attempt. I would have tried to get some more seconds here (they were within reach) if the summoner did not drop that nice orb, which sells for some nice money later.

20th segment: Duriel was fought with a skill-shrine of course, which speeds the running-part and the fight itself up very nicely. I had some time to sort out the chaos that was my inventory during the opening sequence of his prison which was great for picking up his kickass-drop on that attempt. :)

21st segment: This one is about selling stuff, buying potions and getting the first organ, all in one. I joined them all together, because the first part is easy and getting the first organ (with an xp- or skill-shrine on the way) is the only thing I had to manipulate. Some comments on the jungle. Here I had some really good luck. I did not try to manipulate my map for the jungle part and still got one of the best maps possible as far as I know! It was very short (the great marsh was totally out of my way) and the only bad thing was, that the only wp on the way was the flayer-jungle-wp, but that is not a big deal if you choose your segments carefully. With a crap jungle-map unlike this one the sub-hour-goal would have been much, much harder, if not impossible for me to reach!

22nd segment: This part is about getting the flayer-jungle-wp and the second organ. I decided to go for a skill-shrine here, because that extra-runspeed really helps with the still annoyingly long way I had to travel, and I did not had to gain much more xp here, so there was no need for an xp-shrine. So basically this is almost purely speed-optimized with some traps on the way, but I still got the gidbinn here because I wanted to manip some really nice ring for it which will help me a whole lot in later segments!

23rd segment: This one is about getting some choking gas potions off the first one to two monster-groups, the upper-kurast-wp and the last organ whilst getting level 20 and some order in my inventory on the way (putting new potions in my empty belt and all the organs in the cube), all combined with a skill-shrine at the jungle-shrine for that extra-runspeed, so it's more optimized than you might think. ;)
Well what do I want with those choking gas potions you might ask? Easy answer: It is the fastest possible way to support my merc in killing those two fire-immune-monsters (Grand Vizier of Chaos and Colenzo) that you have to kill on your way to Baal. I thought much about what I can use to get the maximum damage-output for my character to help my merc with killing them and they were the answer. They are just so easy to get 36 damage per second potions which doesn't have any chance-to-hit-requirements and gives you the best possible damage-output on level 20 besides your traps.

24th segment: This is just about getting my award for the gidbinn and a level 19 coldmerc for max-dmg. I got a REALLY nice ring from him (so gidbinn was definitely worth getting!) which gives me +10 energy, +15 mana (this one allowed me to get normal mana-potions in act 4 and 5 and use them to maximum effect and probably saved me from having to shop for potions a second time), halves freeze duration (saves some seconds if you're freezed somewhere), +1 mana after each kill (just nice to have with traps, saves some more mana), 3% lifeleech and + 14 ar (useless for me, but listed anyway for the sake of completeness).

25th segment: The Council and Mephisto were killed together here, because the wp was off track. I had two requirements for this segment. Max speed (only reached with skill-shrine at Mephisto) and a drop worth loads of money from him so I can gamble a +1 trap-amulet in act 4. First I planned on manipulating tarnhelmet from him but the time variance on killing the Council/Mephisto was just too much, so I dropped that plan and decided to get that +1 amulet from Jamella instead which only needed a good money-output combined with good speed here and had almost the same result as a tarnhelmet.

Segment 26 and 27: Just selling stuff, buying potions and gambling that +1 amulet here. I lost a second just looking at that awesome amulet for too long, but that's ok for this great result (+1 trap-amulets are quite rare).

28th segment: Just pure running to river of flame wp here, optimized for max speed which means getting a skill-shrine on the way and not a single complete monster-block, which was quite hard to achieve. I decided to leave Izual out although he was on the way, because taking him down would just take too long to be of any use for me.

29th segment: This one is my favorite, although there was a minor flaw in it. First, I wanted to damage Diablo with a fire-shrine, to reach the best time possible. But later I realized that this was just too many bottle-necks to handle. Here is the situation:
The first and biggest bottle-neck was right at the start: The CS-approach up until I am at the pentagramm. I wanted to have no more than one to two minor blocks from monsters, maximum (those without fire-resistance, who can be killed fast) and this condition already failed ~80 % of my attempts. So this already reduces the number of actual CS-fights by a large amount.
The second bottle-neck then is that there is just one single shrine within reach of the diablo-fight. This one shrine is a health-pool ~70 % of the times. So chances for reaching CS in a reasonable time and an actual shrine were already very low (roughly 0,2*0,3 = 0,06 = 6 %). If you know how RARE a fire-shrine is, you can get a pretty good picture of how many attempts are needed to get one with those two prior conditions then (chances for a fire-shrine are like ~2% or something). So chances for all of this happening together are something like 0,06*0,02 = 0,0012 = ~0,12 % then. And then you don't even have the CS-fights counted in, which can be dramatically different on different attempts depending on the number and placement of all monsters at the area. That is the third bottle-neck which again reduces the number of successful attempts by at least 50 %. And then there is always the chance to die in there somewhere (maybe 30 % chance). So all this adds up to ridiculously low percentages. I did like 500 tries without a single fire-shrine until I finally gave up on that aim and picked up my fastest segment so far, which was a very nice one. Not a single monster-block on the approach, very fast CS-boss-killing and a good Diablo-kill with nice money-output. The funny thing here was (and my failure in this segment), that this was like the ONLY attempt where my merc survived after the first resurection, so I didn't even had to go to town the second time to try to revive him. I didn't realized it until I was at Tyrael, because it was SO unusual that you wouldn't even look up there to see if he is still alive.. (he was also off screen at that crucial moment in the game). It was just a pure automated thing for me, to go to town a second time and try to revive him then..

30th segment: Just selling/shopping potions again for the last time here. I had more than enough money to do it in act 5 (despite the double-prices), so I did it there to speed things up compared to act 4 shopping. I also got two stamina potions for the running part here.

31st segment: Just pure running segment till the frozen tundra with a skill-shrine of course. I tried to reach a segment without a single complete monster-block and I achieved this goal.

32nd segment: Running to the ancients and killing them as fast as possible, then getting worldstone level 2 wp. I found that the fastest possible killspeed here can only be reached if those guys stand still for some time so I developed some very nice AI-abusive-strategy which involves going in any corner of the arreat summit (preferably as near to the exit as possible) and just standing STILL there despite them hitting on you. The only thing that really damages you from the ancients normally are their abilities whirlwind and leap attack so by standing in the corner they for some reason do not use those ugly skills on you, and just stand still hitting you with normal attacks, and that doesn't really hurt much (potion-heal > hitting-damage). It may not look like it here but normally I do not even get close to dying unlike this attempt (because I took my first health potion much too late) so it is definitely a very nice strat for the ancients, also for other melee-characters in normal or speedrunning play..

33rd segment: This is my last segment in which all i had to do was kill Baal as fast as possible (without a shrine, because that does not work with all those curses down there). There were however four bottle-necks in the World Stone Keep.
First one is the approach, again, which contains an almost clean throne room so the first wave comes as fast as possible.
Second one was the fight with the third wave which could cost you another ten seconds if the hydras are recast shortly before the last minion dies.
Third was the luring out of the last two waves which could fail terribly if not done properly.
And lastly was the Baal-fight itself which has the biggest time-variance and did not always work (cause health-potions were limited and I did not want to buy anymore..). So I only made about 20 actual baal-kills, because the conditions before already failed most tries earlier) and this one had the best time of all. Later, suga gave me a nice improvement-strategy for this, which is just to leave your items in the throne room near baal after the third wave died and opening a tp. Then all you have to do is luring the creeps right in front of the 'Baal-room' and die there two times + going back via tp of course and then picking up your items again. It saves another 28 seconds of this run, but is a different run-category then without deaths. So that's why they are posted separately.

Here are some possible improvements for runs to come:
- Manipulate and kill even more bosses than me. You can probably manage to get to level 20 by the end of act 3 by just killing bosses and minions alone, totally ignoring normal monsters on the way (at least if they are sub-15-monster-groups) if you optimize the number of bosses on that way. Also you should manipulate out more champ-packs and make boss-packs out of them, cause they give even greater XP (approx. twice as much as champions).
- Maybe leave out the small detours, that I made for some bosses in act 1 and try to get the same number of bosses directly in the way if possible.
- Maybe do two Countess-runs instead of three, optimized for both xp and double-drop-runes (>1000 tries needed for that) and use the bosses of the last areas of act 3 lower-kurast to travincal to get the last level instead of leveling up to 20 too early (lower-kurast), like in my run.
- Micro a little bit better than me here and there (let me mention my bad Andi-drop-management again here, which still really bugs me, thinking about it..)
- Try to get a fire-shrine in the chaos-sanctuary in connection with a kickass-cs-segment to half the Diablo-bossfight-time (>1000 tries for kickass-segment needed I guess, because as the name already tells you, cs is quite 'chaotic' to try and complete in such a short amount of time .. also look at my explanation of the segment above)
- Get an even greater map than mine. Good luck finding one.. ^_^
- Use more Fire Blasts in between the Wake of Fire-Traps on Andariel/Ancients/Baal.

All in all these improvements should be able to cut out another ~5 minutes of the run, reaching sub-55-minutes then.

Assassin with deaths 0:58:28 by Sören Heinrich.

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Note: This run only contains the last segment because the rest of the run is identical to the 58:52 run up to 54:52 in the video. For the comments, refer to the 58:52 run.

Druid 1:11:43 by Ricky Mitchell, done in 41 segments appended to one file.

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Author's comments:

Segment 1
Manipulations: EXP Shrine, Good chest drop (Gems, bow, stam pot), to a lesser extent - chance to hit
Goal: Reach level two by the time I reach CP WP, get a few things to sell
Major mistakes: N/a

Segment 2
Manipulations: boss pack, poison shrine
Goal: Reach level three by the time I hit SF WP
Major mistakes: I shouldn't have stopped running to kill after the initial bosspack died.

Segment 3
Manipulations: EXP shrine
Goal: Level 4
Major mistakes: N/a

Segment 4
Manipulations: EXP shrine, +3 poison creeper pelt
Goal: XP, pelt
Major mistakes: N/a
Notes: This particular segment took over 3200 tries

Segment 5
Manipulations: None, standard potion segment
Goal: Potions
Major mistakes: N/a

Segment 6
Manipulations: EXP shrine, boss packs
Goal: Reach level six by the time I hit the black marsh WP, equip +3 pelt
Major mistakes: N/a

Segment 7
Manipulations: EXP shrine, boss packs, runes
Goal: Get close to level 8, get 2 needed runes
Major mistakes: Battle vs. the archers could have gone better
Notes: The countess is run three times, due to the large amount of experience gained while running to her.

Segment 8
Manipulations: EXP shrine, boss packs, runes
Goal: Level 9, get a needed rune
Major mistakes: N/a

Segment 9
Manipulations: EXP shrine, boss packs, runes, potions
Goal: Level 10, get the last needed rune
Major mistakes: N/a
Notes: This segment took a little over 650 tries. Countess did NOT want to drop Ral, added to the rare EXP shrine.

Segment 10
Goal: Run to OC WP
Major mistakes: Probably should have dropped a poison creeper in that first pack of devilkin

Segment 11
Manipulations: EXP shrine, boss packs, clear jail path
Goal: Close to level 12, Malus, Jail lvl 1 WP
Major mistakes: N/a

Segment 12
Manipulations: Monsters
Goal: Level 12, Inner cloister WP
Majors mistakes: N/a

Segment 13
Manipulations: Pelt
Goal: Imbue a +3 fissure pelt
Major mistakes: N/a
Notes: This segment took nearly 300 tries.

Segment 14
Goal: Equip hat, buy potions
Major mistakes:

Segment 15
Manipulations: EXP shrine, boss packs
Goal: Get a bit of exp, Cata 2 WP
Major mistakes: Could have killed the spiders faster, paused for a second near the end

Segment 16
Manipulations: Boss packs, Hsaura's boots, shrine (could have been any of 3)
Goal: Level 13, get 30% FRW boots
Major mistakes: I cast a fissure into an empty room, which sometimes had a boss pack in it
Notes: Andy dies FAST.

Segment 17
Manipulations: 2os staff
Goal: Get staff, equip boots
Major mistakes:

Segment 18
Manipulations: 2os Armor
Goal: Get armor, enter Act II
Major mistakes: Got caught on the torch for half a second or so

Segment 19
Manipulations: Boss/champion packs
Goal: Touch Far Oasis WP, get cube, level 14
Major mistakes: Picked up cube a little slow, a bit of fumbling here and there
Notes: Scarab champion packs give TONS of experience. I use the Stealth bug (discovered by bimanc), in which I make a runeword in a pre-equipped item and gain the bonuses of that runeword despite being under it's level requirement.

Segment 20
Manipulations: Low monster density in maggot lair
Goal: Touch Lost City WP, get staff
Major mistakes: Didn't pick up unraveler head at the end
Notes: This took about 70 or so retries, which is low relative to the earlier run.


Segment 21
Manipulations: EXP shrine
Goal: A bit of experience, grab the amulet
Major mistakes: I completely missed the zombie boss pack on the way to the temple

Segment 22
Manipulations: Monsters
Goal: Level 15, Canyon of the Magi WP
Major mistakes: I was a bit slow on both the portals, and the summoner took a little longer than he should
Notes: In the original run, the palace and AS are split into two segments. Combining them saved a nice chunk of time.

Segment 23
Manipulations: XP shrine, monsters
Goal: Late level 16, place staff
Major mistakes:
Notes: Another scarab champion pack FTW.

Segment 24
Manipulations: Belt
Goal: Buy belt, potions
Major mistakes:

Segment 25
Manipulations: EXP shrine, monsters, duriel AI
Goal: Level 17, kill duriel, enter Act III
Major mistakes:
Notes: I use the Stealth bug again here - this time in the Leaf staff - to give myself an extra +3 to fire skills. Duriel dies very quickly

Segment 26
Manipulations: Monsters, safe spider cavern, STA shrine
Goal: A bit of experience, TP drop and touch Flayer Jungle WP, grab the eye
Major mistakes:
Notes: There's a bit of graphical lag at the beginning. Going to Act I at the end of the segment saves time at the beginning of the next segment.

Segment 27
Manipulations: STA shrine, monsters
Goal: Level 18, get the brain
Major mistakes: I miscalculated the experience I needed, so I have to get that later, unfortunately. I hit esc too soon, almost forgot to go back to Act I.

Segment 28
Manipulations: EXP shrine, monsters
Goal: Level 19, grab the heart, Kurast Bazaar WP
Major mistakes:

Segment 29
Manipulations: Resist fire shrine, Mephisto AI, monsters
Goal: Kill council and Mephisto as fast as possible, enter Act IV
Major mistakes: I threw a mana potion on the ground. Oops. Council could have been a bit faster.
Notes: Mephy is easily the hardest part of the run. This took well over 200 retries, and I managed to make him look relatively stupid.

Segment 30
Manipulations: EXP shrine, monsters
Goal: Level 20
Major mistakes: Didn't go back to Act IV at the end of the segment
Notes: I needed to hit level 20 to speed things up in Acts IV and V. Didn't even notice the two TP scroll drops.

Segment 31
Manipulations: STA shrine
Goal: City of the Damned WP
Major mistakes:
Notes: Because I forgot to go back to Act IV at the end of the previous segment, I vowed to make this run as optimal as I could. I did a good job of that, only gained 2 seconds.

Segment 32
Manipulations: Izual AI, clear path
Goal: Kill Izual
Major mistakes:
Notes: My favorite segment in the whole run. A sub-minute Izzy. Those two skill points save so much time later on.

Segment 33
Manipulations: Clear path
Goal: River of Flame WP
Major mistakes:

Segment 34
Manipulations: Monsters, merc, Diablo AI
Goal: Kill Diablo
Major mistakes:
Notes: While I have cleared CS faster, keeping Diablo moving is essential to a quick fight.. and a quick fight it was.

Segment 35
Manipulations: None
Goal: Talk to Tyreal
Major mistakes:
Notes: FRAPS stops recording when the Act V Cinematic triggers.

Segments 36 - 39
Manipulations: Clear Path
Major mistakes:
Notes: These 3 Act V segments are made for optimizing running across the act. Nothing interesting.

Segment 40
Manipulations: Clear path
Goal: Kill ancients quickly, get Worldstone Keep level 2 waypoint
Major mistakes:
Notes: I'm rather proud of this ancients fight. Fissure continues to annihilate anything that moves.

Segment 41
Manipulations: Clear path, low monster count in throne room, quick minion kills, fast Baal
Goal: Kill Baal
Major mistakes:
Notes: The fire druid, at this point, is EMBARRASSINGLY terrible at killing Baal. I several times run up and use firestorm in order to make Baal spawn his clone. (He walks around more with his clone spawned) Despite the mediocre feel of this segment, it was the fastest I could get. It's a shame a character with such killing power throughout the run has to end like this.

Sorceress 100% 2:43:59 by Pascal Fischer, done in 161 segments.

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Author's comments:

First of all I want to thank SDA-staff for having this nice page online. And of course I would like to thank mfb and LaVey from the ingame community for their ideas and criticism (even though I mostly ignored it :P).

Also thanks to the previous D2-Speedrunners that gave me the will to do it better. ;)

Siyko's run was a good basis on what to go on.

I tried to optimize the run not only by time. No, I wanted to use experience as efficiently as possible. That leading to me olmost exclusivly killing bossgroups.

My starting goal was to get around 45 minutes faster then Siyko. In the end I managed to get sub 3 hours. And there is still room for some more time.

Segment 1 - 00:17

Goals: Gold for Shopping

Manipulation: 5k+ Gold Item

Comment: Should really have redone this when I look back. Looks just stupid.

Segment 2 - 00:14

Goals: Gold for Shopping

Manipulation: 5k+ Gold Item

Comment: None

Segment 3 - 00:33

Goals: Shopping

Manipulation: +3 Charged Bolt Staff

Comment: Shopping could have gone a little faster. Was concidering getting the staff with +2 Frost-Armor. But I would have to get some gold in the Stash which would have lost some time. In the end the thinking process lost 2 seconds.

Segment 4 - 03:08

Goals: Den of Evil + WP Cold Plains

Manipulation: Experience Shrine

Comment: Using TP drop here which saves some time compared to splitting it this into 2 segments. The shamans messed up a huge amount of tries here. So I am really happy with this result.

Segment 5 - 01:25

Goals: WP Stony Field

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: At first I wanted to switch this segment with the Bloodraven segment which comes next.

The ways between Stony Field WP → Burials and Cold Plains WP → Burials are really close to even in length. I chose this route because of the extra bossgroups.

Segment 6 - 01:45

Goals: Bloodraven

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: Rakanishu + bloodraven were kind of slow but the bossgroup afterwards in the cold plains really made the experience on this segment huge.

Segment 7 - 02:30

Goals: Dark Wood WP + Infuss Scroll

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: This big underground passage was one of the compromises i took with this map. It was really tough to get the shrine up untill the end of this. In the end I had the perfect amount of bossgroups on this one.

Segment 8 - 01:39

Goals: Save Cain + Wiret's Leg

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: You can use telekinesis on the rocks. I decided against that because I had no faster cast rate at this point. Putting the leg in my second slot. I will not use that untill way later so there is no point in putting it in the stash.

Segment 9 - 00:28

Goals: Shopping + Ring

Manipulation: FCR Ring

Comment: Won't need that sash because I get a belt in the next segment. If i found an ident scroll ealier without missing it, the sash could have been usefull.

Segment 10 - 00:11

Goals: Shopping

Manipulation: 2 socketed Armor + Belt

Comment: The 2 socketed helmet was a wasted click. Faster hit recovery helmet here would have been way more usefull. The belt gives me 3 rows of potions which makes shopping faster then permaclicking with mouse.

Segment 11 - 00:07

Goals: Shopping

Manipulation: 3 socketed Shield

Comment: I will use this way later. Putting it in the second slot untill I get the runes from saveing the barbarians in act 5 later. Resulting in a RalOrtTal (Ancients Pledge) which gives huge amout of Resistance.

Segment 12 - 01:05

Goals: WP Black Marsh

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: Getting the maximum bossgroups possible. Missclicking the waypoint at the start is sloppy.

Segment 13 - 01:42

Goals: WP Outer Cloister

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: My original plan was getting these 2 waypoints in 1 segment, but I decided against it because the experience shrine wouldn't hold untill the end. Also the splitting of this in 2 segments gives me an additional bossgroup in the black marsh

Segment 14 - 01:55

Goals: 2 Runes

Manipulation: Runes + Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: Picking up the potions was really slow. The most important part are the runes though. Tal + Tir in this one which are 2 out of 4 Runes I need.

Segment 15 - 01:53

Goals: 2 Runes

Manipulation: Runes + Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: I now have the runes for Stealth (Tal + Eth) and Leaf (Tir + Ral) which give me huge stats later. I will mention the most important when I can use them. The item management in the end was far from perfect.

Segment 16 - 01:39

Goals: Waypoint Jail 1 + Malus

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: I really should have bought a few thawing potions at the very first shopping segment. Could have saved me a few seconds.

Segment 17 - 00:22

Goals: Shopping

Manipulation: +3 Static staff with 2 sockets

Comment: This is the item i will get Leaf in later. +3 Static also helps a lot at many spots later because it increases the range of the main damage against the act bosses.

Also used the respecc here, meaning I can redo all stats and skillpoints I got to that point.

Segment 18 - 00:34

Goals: Imbue + Respecc

Manipulation: 17 fhr / Light resistance Belt

Comment: Missclick on the imbue button resulting me getting into the shop. Costs about 2 seconds. Kept this one because of the rarity of those belt stats.

Segment 19 - 02:07

Goals: WP Inner Cloister

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: Again loosing a few seconds because of these cold enchanted archers. Checked two shrines for experience shrine. Should have always restarted when it wasn't there on black marsh.

This was however the only attempt I reached lvl 14 in about 200 tries which is the reason I took this one.

Segment 20 - 01:15

Goals: WP Catacombs.

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: I didn't want to be forced going all the way from the inner cloister to Andariel because doing that again and again to get the drop I want there would be a pain in the but. ;)

This waypoint however was always bugged. I had to go back to that torch to get it fixed at every attempt on this segment. If you couldn't tell, the waypoint was not clickable untill I went in sight and back to that torch.

Segment 21 - 02:03

Goals: Andariel

Manipulation: Experience Shrine + Drop

Comment: Those chain boots are 1 of 2 possible boots at Andariel which have 20% Faster Run/Walk. Both together having a Dropchance of around 1:52.

Again checking both Shrines.. stupid.

With a lvl 1 static I would have to stand on top of Andariel to use it which would have killed me almost every time.

Segment 22 - 00:39

Goals: Shopping

Manipulation: None

Comment: I had some issues on the act changes. I don't understand why but for some reason I had 2-3 seconds of black screen where I could click „blindly“. Looks stupid unfortunatly..

Should have used those small potions to get rid of them.

Also getting a merc will turn out to be a waste of time and gold over all. Shouldn't get a merc untill I have my endgear at the end of act 4 nightmare.

Segment 23 - 02:08

Goals: Waypoint Far Oasis + Dry hills

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: I use the stealth bug after getting the lvl up. It gives +25% Faster Run / Walk for some time. It won't work after Save & Quit. The ring I find here is my second fcr ring which will give me the 37 fcr breakpoint at lvl 17. Again a thawing potion would have saved a few seconds.

Segment 24-29 - 04:28

Goals: Lvl 18

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: In one of the segments I missed a rare staff which could have solved my gold issues I will have a little later. I wanted to get lvl 18 before I start getting the stuff nessessary for more progress.

Segment 30 - 00:47

Goals: Radament

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: Guess the experience wasn't worth trying to get the experience shrine.

Segment 31 - 00:52

Goals: Cube

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: The bossgroupd in lvl 2 was pretty slow because of their movement.

Segment 32 - 00:30

Goals: Shopping

Manipulation: None

Diablo 2 lord of destruction kickass mods

Comment: Again wasting money and time on merc. That cost me a few potions that will make me being short of a few at Duriel.

Segment 33 - 01:22

Goals: Staff of Kings

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: Really good amount of bossgroups in this segment. Lucky that I didn't get cursed though.

Segment 34 - 01:29

Goals: Vipern amulett

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: Could have been more experience. The bossgroups here were not that good.

Segment 35 - 01:14

Goals: Shopping + WP Arcane Sanctuary

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: Really slow drop pickup there. Got as much potions as possible (Still one will be missing at Duriel sadly.

Segment 36 - 00:49

Goals: Summoner

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: I really messed up here. I backed up a wrong video file. I only noticed this after I had finished the next segment.

Segment 37 - 01:54

Goals: Duriel

Manipulation: Tarnhelm drop

Comment: So.. I have 2 bossgroups on the way to Duriel. As I mentioned before I didn' have enough money for mana potions.

In around 99.5% of the 1200 (!) attempts on this segment I got mana potions from them. This is one of the 0.5% where they didn't drop mana potions (1 would have been enough).

So in the end I have to go to town and heal up my mana to kill off Duriel. It costs me around 10 seconds I guess but I have to talk to her anyways so I went with it. And I was really annoyed by doing Duriel so many times.

Segment 38 - 00:23

Goals: Shopping

Manipulation: None

Comment: I was thinking about getting „OrtSol“ runeword for the helmet but decided to go for something else later. So in the end the 2 socketed helmet buy was a waste of a few seconds.

Segment 39 - 00:45

Goals: Jade Statue + WP Spider Forest

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: None

Segment 40 - 00:55

Goals: Kahlims Eye

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: Extremly lucky that I didn't get cursed by the first boss there. Almost forgot to get back to act 1 even with using a TP..

Segment 41 - 01:43

Goals: WP Schinder-Dshungle

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: The fire enchanted boss took quiet some time. Still an amazing amount of bossgroups all together. The fights could have gone a little smoother though.

Segment 42 - 01:24

Goals: WP Kurast Bazar

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: Those Champion Soul killer shamans were really scary but the experience was brilliant.

You can see here that you can actually permateleport with great mana potions.

Segment 43 - 00:18

Goals: Shopping

Manipulation: None

Comment: Money is getting scares again.

Segment 44 - 01:15

Goals: Kahlims brain

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: This time there is a bossgroup instead of the champions.

The champions on this monsterclass would have given much more experience. One of the very few monsterclasses where this is the case.

Segment 45 - 01:21

Goals: Kahlims heart + Lam Esen

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: These wailing beasts were a little annoying.

With a little luck this could have given more experience. But I am fine with this one. 2 bossgroups in the sewers was extremly rare.

Segment 46 - 00:13

Goals: Ring from Ormus

Manipulation: 10 Fcr + Dual fire / light resistance

Comment: I could have done this together with the next segment. But I didn't want to ruin an awesome ring by doing some stupid missclicks (which could have happen in the next segment).

I checked the stats of the ring after Save & Quit.

Segment 47 - 00:40

Goals: Shopping + finishing Quests

Manipulation: None

Comment: None

Segment 48 - 00:49

Goals: WP Travincal

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: In my original plan I wanted to go through to the Durance of hat waypoint. But it was too difficult to get the experience shrine through the council so I split this up.

Segment 49 - 01:25

Goals: WP Durance of Hate 2 + killing council

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: Got pretty close at those champions in durance of hate lvl 2 but I felt save. Watching this segment again I think it was really risky. :)

Segment 50 - 00:09

Goals: Itemmanagement + merc revival

Manipulation: None

Comment: I have got to admit I am not a huge fan of myself doing this segment. But doing this stuff at the start of the next segment and getting the drop I want there.. I think I would have messed that up thousands of times resulting in more lost time alltogether.

Segment 51 - 00:45

Goals: Mephisto + act change

Manipulation: Sanders boots drop

Comment: Mephisto fight was a little sloppy. But still this is the first time that the merc actually did something usefull by tanking his spells while I was using static.

Segment 52 - 00:19

Goals: Shopping

Manipulation: None

Comment: Preparing for the lvl segments incoming.

Segment 53-58 - 06:32

Goals: Lvling to 25

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: You might ask why the hell would he do lvl segments now?!

The reason behind this is that the game has some strange experience mechanics. I wouldn't get any experience in act 4 + 5 if I hadn't done these. I was hoping to get those beetle bossgroups at every of these.

1 st: really nice experience here. Almost missed that theese beetles.

2 nd: This one looks really messy. Shouldn't have taken this one.

3 rd: 2 bossgroups in the first temple was brilliant.

4 th: nothing to say here.

5 th: Brilliant xp/time ratio even with the extremly messy end.

6 th: This amu will proof to be awesome (+1 cold skills + some mana)

Segment 59 - 00:20

Goals: Shopping

Manipulation: None

Comment: Preparing for one more lvl segment and act 4.

Segment 60 - 00:46

Goals: lvl 25

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: Just finishing lvl 25 as quickly as possible.

Segment 61 - 01:17

Goals: Izual + WP

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: Don't have to talk to Izual's soul.

Segment 62 - 00:59

Goals: Hellforge + WP Flameriver

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups + Amn Rune

Comment: Using that rune for the merc weapon later.

Segment 63 - 00:14

Goals: Sorting stuff

Manipulation: None

Comment: Same reason like before mephisto. Shouldn't have wasted time with those rubys.

Segment 64 - 02:11

Goals: Diablo

Manipulation: Magefists

Comment: This was a really slow CS unfortunatly, but those drops were just brilliant. Magefists from the venomlord minions and this +1 skills / 20 fcr orb from Diablo himself. Won't have that luck ever again here. In the end it just saves me the trouble getting that orb from anya on lvl 30.

Segment 65 - 00:25

Goals: Shopping

Manipulation: None

Comment: Preparing for act 5.

Segment 66 - 00:58

Goals: Shenk + WP

Manipulation: experience shrine

Comment: None.

Segment 67 - 01:08

Goals: Saving Barbarians

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: Extremly good amount of bosses here.

Segment 68 - 01:57

Goals: Anya

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: These flying things do always curse you when you have a merc. Thats why I didn't care about him dying in the last segment.

Segment 69 - 00:26

Goals: Shopping + getting Ancients pledge

Manipulation: None.

Comment: None.

Segment 70 - 01:13

Goals: WP Ancients way

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: Checking for a bossgroup spawnpoint at the start of this segment.

Segment 71 - 01:24

Goals: Ancients + WP Worldstone keep

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: None

Segment 72 - 00:13

Goals: Shopping

Manipulation: None

Comment: Preparing for Baalruns

Segment 73 - 02:38

Goals: Experience

Manipulation: Experience shrine

Diablo 2 Lord Of Destruction For Sale

Comment: None.

Segment 74 - 02:48

Goals: Baal Quest

Manipulation: None

Comment: I didn't go for an experience shrine here because I just wanted to get lvl 30 before nightmare.

Segment 75 - 00:32

Goals: Nihlatak

Manipulation: None

Comment: Just getting him down as fast as possible. I don't really care about anyas orb because of the Diablo drop earlier.

Segment 76 - 00:37

Goals: Finishing Quests + Cow king

Manipulation: None

Comment: Just wasting the quests to get them done as fast as possible.

Segment 77 - 00:19

Goals: Shopping

Manipulation: None

Comment: None

Segment 78 - 00:42

Goals: WP Cold Plains

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: None

Segment 79 - 01:30

Goals: Den of Evil

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: None

Segment 80 - 00:53

Goals: Bloodraven

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: None

Segment 81 - 01:01

Goals: WP Stony Fields

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: The amount of bossgroups was mind blowing here.

Segment 82 - 00:57

Goals: WP Dark Woods + Infuss

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: This demonhide sash gonna be usefull. Now I got a 4 row belt. :)

Segment 83 - 01:05

Goals: Tristram + Leg

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: This time I use telekinesis for the stones.

Segment 84 - 00:22

Goals: Finishing Quests + Shopping

Manipulation: FCR Ring with resistance

Comment: None

Segment 85 - 02:22

Goals: Countess + WP Black Marsh

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: No bossgroups up in the black marsh, unfortunate but in the tower that was very good.

Diablo 2 lord of destruction kickass mods

Segment 86 - 01:29

Goals: WP Jail 1 + Malus

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: Really should use telekinesis more for picking up potions..

Segment 87 - 01:40

Goals: WP Catacombs 2

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: No WP bug this time.

Segment 88 - 00:13

Goals: Belt

Manipulation: Belt

Comment: Getting a 4 row belt to imbue.

Segment 89 - 00:07

Goals: Imbue belt

Manipulation: Belt stats

Comment: brilliant roll here. Always checking stats after Save & Quit.

Segment 90 - 00:06

Goals: Gamble Amu

Manipulation: +1skills Amu

Comment: None

Segment 91 - 00:08

Goals: Gamble Circlet

Manipulation: +1 skills 20 fcr Circ

Comment: Refreshed gamble there once. Would have done that up to 5 times.

Segment 92 - 00:17

Goals: Shopping

Manipulation: None

Comment: Getting Potions + Equipping the stuff I just imbued / gambled.

Segment 93 - 00:27

Goals: Andariel

Manipulation: Drop

Comment: Vipermagi just awesome.

Segment 94 - 00:32

Goals: Shopping + actchange

Manipulation: None

Comment: None

Segment 95 - 00:50

Goals: Radament

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: None

Segment 96 - 01:16

Goals: WP Far Oasis

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: None

Segment 97 - 01:13

Goals: Staff of Kings

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: Awesome amout of bosses in the oasis. The exorcist full movie in hindi.

Segment 98 - 01:23

Goals: Amulett

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: None

Segment 99 - 00:25

Diablo 2 Lord Of Destruction Kickass

Goals: Shopping

Manipulation: Lower res Staff

Comment: That staff will help at every actboss and some other fights from now.

Segment 100 - 00:16

Goals: WP Palace

Manipulation: None

Comment: None

Segment 101 - 00:54

Goals: Summoner

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: None

Segment 102 - 00:57

Goals: Duriel

Manipulation: Drop

Comment: This death mask helps merc later a little bit.

Segment 103 - 00:48

Goals: Act change + Shopping

Manipulation: None

Comment: Finishing quest also.

Segment 104 - 01:49

Goals: Eye + Flayer WP

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: None

Segment 105 - 01:56

Goals: WP under kurast + Brain

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: None

Segment 106 - 01:28

Goals: WP Travincal + Lam esen + Heart

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: None


Segment 107 - 00:42

Goals: Finishing Quest + Shopping

Manipulation: None

Comment: None

Segment 108 - 00:40

Goals: Council + WP Durance

Manipulation: None

Comment: No point in even trying to get an experience shrine past council. It's just impossible.

Segment 109 - 00:27

Goals: Mephisto

Manipulation: Ethereal Spire of honor

Comment: I aimed for that ethereal because my merc has to do some beatdowns in hell.

Segment 110 - 00:35

Goals: Shopping

Manipulation: Merc lvl

Comment: Getting merc here since I sonn have his endgear together

Segment 111 - 01:33

Goals: Izual + WP

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups


Segment 112 - 01:37

Goals: Hellforge + WP flameriver

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: Don't really care for that Um-rune

Segment 113 - 01:20

Goals: Diablo

Manipulation: Duriels Shell drop

Comment: I didn't really care if this was eth or not.

Segment 114 - 00:22

Goals: Actchange + Shopping

Manipulation: None

Comment: None

Segment 115 - 01:00

Goals: Shenk

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: None

Segment 116 - 00:14

Goals: finish Q1

Manipulation: None

Comment: Merc happy about lifeleech

Segment 117 - 01:12

Goals: Saving Barbs

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: None

Segment 118 - 01:15

Goals: Getting WPs

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: Just getting Wps here

Segment 119 - 00:16

Goals: Anya save

Manipulation: None

Comment: Just saving her as fast as possible

Segment 120 - 00:18

Goals: Shopping

Manipulation: None

Comment: None

Segment 121 - 01:20

Goals: Ancients WP

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: None

Segment 122 - 02:06

Goals: Ancients + Last WP

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: None

Segment 123 - 00:10

Goals: Anya orb

Manipulation: +2 skills / 20 fcr Orb

Comment: This orb is just the best possible that could happen with +3 frozen orb / +1 fb and mana.

Segment 124 - 00:32

Goals: Nihlatak

Manipulation: None

Comment: Just fast killing him.

Segment 125 - 02:28

Goals: Baal

Manipulation: Experience shrine

Comment: None

Segment 126 - 00:35

Goals: Finishing Quests + Cowking

Manipulation: None

Comment: Just finishing nightmare quickly.

Segment 127 - 00:19

Goals: Shopping

Manipulation: None

Comment: None

Segment 128 - 00:40

Goals: WP Cold Plains

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: I will later notice that this experience wasn't nessessary.

Segment 129 - 00:51

Goals: Bloodraven

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: I will later notice that this experience wasn't nessessary.

Segment 130 - 01:05

Goals: WP Stony fields

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: From now on the experience is really awesome. Want to get lvl close to lvl 59 in act 1.

Segment 131 - 01:17

Goals: WP Dark woods + Infuss

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: None.

Segment 132 - 00:15

Goals: Shopping

Manipulation: None

Comment: Identing scroll aswell.

Segment 133 - 01:14

Goals: Tristram + leg

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: None

Segment 134 - 01:20

Goals: WP Outer Cloister

Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups

Comment: Last experience shrine I need.

Segment 135 - 00:42

Goals: WP Catacombs + Malus

Manipulation: None

Comment: Time speed things up. I will get the experience I still need to lvl 60 on the way to act 5.

Segment 136 - 00:36

Goals: Imbue + Andariel

Manipulation: None

Comment: Just wasting the imbue on the leg – Can still use it for cows later.

Segment 137 - 02:19

Goals: Den of Evil

Manipulation: None

Comment: That den went pretty well.

Segment 138 - 00:19

Goals: Shopping

Manipulation: None

Comment: Just preparing for the next segments

Segment 139 - 00:53

Goals: Countess

Manipulation: None

Comment: Merc didn't die even with those nasty properties of the countess. :)

Segment 140 - 00:39

Goals: Radament

Manipulation: None

Comment: Just die!

Segment 141 - 00:43

Goals: Staff of Kings + Far Oasis WP

Manipulation: None

Comment: Even more Speed 110 fcr rocks. :)

Segment 142 - 00:27

Goals: Amulett

Manipulation: None

Comment: well.. what shall I say.

Segment 143 - 00:51

Goals: Summoner

Manipulation: None

Comment: oh noes I got to kill something again. :)

Segment 144 - 00:55

Goals: Duriel

Manipulation: None

Comment: under 4 Minutes for hell act 2. Thats just fast.

Segment 145 - 01:08

Goals: Act Change

Manipulation: None

Comment: Just going to act 3

Segment 146 - 01:06

Goals: Gidbinn + WP Lower + Brain

Manipulation: None

Comment: That tp drop mid teleporting!

Segment 147 - 00:44

Goals: Heart + WP Travincal + Lam esens

Manipulation: None

Comment: That tp drop mid teleporting! Did it again.

Segment 148 - 00:36

Goals: Finishing Quests

Manipulation: None

Comment: Just finish them quickly.

Segment 149 - 02:07

Goals: Council + Durance WP

Manipulation: Max 1 merc revive.

Comment: Aura went on pretty quickly after the revive.

Segment 150 - 00:31

Diablo 2 Lord Of Destruction Buy

Goals: Mephisto

Manipulation: None

Comment: Just die m8.

Segment 151 - 00:43

Goals: Izual

Diablo 2 Lord Of Destruction Kickass Download

Manipulation: None

Comment: RIP Izual.

Segment 152 - 01:00

Goals: Hellforge

Manipulation: None

Comment: Not even checking out the drop.

Segment 153 - 02:43

Goals: Diablo

Manipulation: None

Comment: Uhh a small challange this CS was.

Segment 154 - 00:18

Goals: Actchange + Shopping

Manipulation: None

Comment: Just a quick breath.

Segment 155 - 01:27

Goals: All needed Wps + Barbs saving

Manipulation: None

Comment: Just getting Wps as fast as possible.

Segment 156 - 00:23

Goals: Anya save

Manipulation: None

Comment: Took a little longer then in Nightmare.

Segment 157 - 00:46

Goals: Nihlatak

Manipulation: None

Comment: Just die – Anya orb doesnt matter.

Segment 158 - 00:31

Goals: Shenk

Manipulation: None

Comment: That really went smoothly. Thanks that you came to me Shenk.

Diablo 2 Lord Of Destruction Kickass Release

Segment 159 - 04:47

Goals: Ancients

Manipulation: Imunities

Comment: Well.. Ancients are a pain in the ass and I can see the end of the run „tunnelvision on“.

Segment 160 - 05:30

Diablo 2 Lord Of Destruction Classes

Goals: Baal

Manipulation: None

Comment: Just want to finish this run.. Could have been better if I got the Worldstone WP but too risky in my opinion. Ancients are hard enough.

Segment 161 - 00:55

Goals: Finishing Quest.

Manipulation: None

Comment: Teo's rare leg with socket, awesome.

Here are some possible improvements for runs to come:

- Getting even more boss groups over all.

- Result should be lvl 60 and not 60.5 like I did before ancients hell.

- Doing all actbosses with experience shrines and better times.

- Diablo norm was a pretty slow try (there are at least 40 seconds. ;))

- Overall not using merc untill you have the endgear for him. He is just time and money to revive. (resulting in the norm duriel segment where I had to refresh the mana at Atma during the fight)

- Be more accurate with all spells. (Most notably is the Telekinesis on waypoints I guess.)

I guess with enough patients over all a sub 2:30 could be possible. But I won't be the one to try that. ;)

Hope you enjoyed my run.

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